As Black as Gold

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Somewhere up in the air, there flew a huge ship with crew quarters, a deck, a conference room and the king's room. The king that occupied this ship was the Black king himself and the king was, at the moment, not in his right mind. His lovely girlfriend, Lilianna was the one that took care of him. Yet Lilianna wasn't the Black king in general's exact girlfriend, she was tied with the man controlling the king and his name was Jack.

Lilianna, a woman with dark long hair, pale skin, and translucent blue eyes. The white robes that she wore were charred black, which made her sad that she missed the white. White represented freedom, black only choked that freedom with its inky black chain.

Lilianna wanted to run and warn the other kings of the danger that Jack intended to bring the people. And that's exactly what she did as Jack made a move on her. It was dark out and he'd found Lilianna leaning against the railing outside on the ship. He was only going to kiss her gently on the neck, but he had spooked her instead and she'd fallen off the railing. But that's what Jack knows. Lilianna purposefully made herself fall from the ship and land on top of a roof. The nearest king at that point was the Blue king. She'd warn him first.

Reisi Munakata sat calmly in his office drinking tea when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." he said.

Seri Awashima entered the room. "Captain, we've been spotting numerous gang activity throughout the city. The town's authorities have been trying to keep the violence at a minimum. Some of our squads have been called in for support and the odds aren't looking too well. First, I have no idea where Fushimi is. His break is supposedly over. It's been way past fifteen minutes." stated Awashima.

Reisi sighed. "Leave him be. He'll do his part later. Anything on the Green and Black kings?" he said.

"Hisui Nagare seems quiet. The Black king, though, he seems shrouded in mystery. None of us can get a read on him." replied Awashima.

Reisi set his cup down. "The Reds shouldn't be much of a concern to me, but I'd still like to know how they're doing. Awashima?" he said.

"Uh, Anna and her clansmen are doing well sir, as far as I know since the last time I checked up on them." said Awashima.

"Good. Anything else?"

"A woman by the name of Lilianna wishes to speak with you, sir."

"Send her in."

As Reisi finishes his tea, the woman Lilianna is escorted into the room by Awashima. Reisi takes in her appearance.

"You wanted to speak with me. What is it you wish to tell me?" he asked.

For a moment her translucent eyes stare into his and she stands there in silence.

"I've come to tell you terrible news about the Black king." she replied.

"Continue. What is it about the Black king that we should know about?"

"He's not quite himself. He's being possessed by my lover, Jack."

"How is this possession happening? Is Jack human?"

"Jack and I are beyond human. We were one of the first in creation."

"What is Jack planning to do with the king?"

"I don't know, but I fear it's something terrible. I had to get away from him. Something about him didn't seem right."

"Where is the Black king now?" asked Reisi.

Lilianna points up. "He's up in the sky in a airship."

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