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All of Scepter 4's unit's were in the air. Fushimi was piloting one of the helicopters. They had the black airship surrounded, yet nothing was happening. Much like last time. Scepter 4 grew wary that the ship might blow itself up, so they kept their distance.

On board the ship, Jack smiled devilishly. "Tell the Blue king that I give him permission to board the ship." he said.

After hearing that he was permitted to board the ship, Reisi stood up from his seat in the helicopter piloted by Fushimi. Fushimi gave him a concerned look.

"Do you think it's a trap?" asked Fushimi.

"Best way to find out is to board the ship. Take her in, Fushimi." replied Reisi.

Fushimi gave a slight nod and steered the helicopter towards the ship.

Once Reisi was aboard the ship, Black clansmen led him to the office of the Black king. Jack greeted him with a cold smile. Reisi showed no emotion towards this man; this man he didn't know.

"Welcome to my humble abode! Do you like what you see, Mr. Munakata?" greeted Jack.

Reisi stood in front of the desk, taking in his surroundings. The walls were black with intricate designs drawn in white on them. The floor was black tile, a white line outlining each of its squares. The desk was completely black itself. The first in creation, huh? No wonder he chose to possess the Black king. The guy's surrounded in black, including his clothing. thought Reisi, observing Jack's clothing last. Jack was shrouded in a cloak as if it was a part of him itself. Wispy black tendrils moved about surrounding his head, you couldn't tell what his face looked like at all.

"Frankly, I don't care about the decor of this place. What I want to know is what you're planning on doing and why you've possessed the Black king, Jack?" said Reisi.

Jack gave Reisi an irritated look. "I see you've met Lilianna, my traitor of a girlfriend. I saw it coming anyways; light will always do what's right and dark will do just the opposite." he said.

Reisi stood, waiting for an answer.

"I'm afraid you'll just get in the way of my plans. You're only a means for me to prove that the Purple king can't stop me. That's why I let you on this ship." Jack sneered at him.

Reisi looked confused. Purple king? What Purple king? There is no Purple king. he thought.

"What are you saying? There is no Purple king." said Reisi, perplexed.

Jack gave an evil grin. "You don't know already? The Purple king is Fae Kawashima. I'll prove that I can still win even though she continues to surge power into the Red and Blue clans. Haven't you noticed that boost in your power?" he said.

Hearing this for the first time, Reisi begins to realize how he has gained much more power without even doing anything to gain it other than all he's been through to get to this point.

"And how might you prove that you're stronger than me?" asked Reisi, removing his sword from its scabbard.

"By having a duel, of course." grinned Jack.

A surge of power coursed through Reisi's entire body as he prepared to at least defend himself, plus he kind of wanted to test out the extra power.

Jack pulled out a jagged blade from thin air and pointed it at Reisi. "I will pull the blue from your veins if I must to destroy the power that you wield." he said with twisted sarcasm. The desk vanishes and that's when Jack made the first strike. Reisi blocks the attack, but gets pushed back quite a bit.

What is this power I'm sensing? Is it coming from him? It's too... I can't seem to grasp the reality of it. thought Reisi. Darkness swam about him, clouding his thoughts.

Try and guess what I am. said a voice that wasn't his own, I am the thing that haunts your dreams, the anger that fuels your hatred and yet also fuels me. Jack disappears and reappears behind Reisi. He then slashes his blade across his back.

Reisi seethes in pain from the cut he'd received. He quickly spins around to face Jack, but Jack had already prepared his next move. Enveloping his blade with his power, Reisi lunges for Jack as soon as he catches sight of him. Jack steps aside as Reisi goes past him.

Stopping to turn around, Reisi finds that Jack has disappeared and reappeared behind him again. This time Reisi quickly turns to block his attack.

"So you're just going to use the same tactic over and over again? How lame." said Reisi. He pushes himself away and prepares himself for another strike at Jack.

"Maybe." said Jack, flipping himself upside down as Reisi came at him.

As the fight inside continued, two swords of Damocles could be seen above the ship outside; one black, one blue. Fushimi was growing bored waiting for the captain to return. He had the helicopter parked on the airship, so he decided it wouldn't hurt to go inside and check things out. Several guards got knocked out as he made his way through the halls of the ship. A girl stops him in his tracks. She had brown hair and wore a uniform much like Scepter 4 except for it being the color black.

"You're not permitted to be inside this ship, Mr. Fushimi." she said, preparing her blade.

"How do you know my name? I've never even met you." said Fushimi in mock surprise.

"Oh, but I've met you. Oh how I've met you, it's a mystery. Now to kill the one I love." she said before charging him.

"Love? Me?" said Fushimi, confused as he dodged her attack. She then swings the blade at his waist. He gets nicked on the stomach as he managed to dodge that attack. Pulling out his blade, Fushimi struggles to block her next attack. She swings her blade up, holding it in the air for a second, and brings it down clashing it against his sword. As she pushed the interlocked swords towards his face, she swipes her sword sideways barely cutting the tip of his nose off. He then brings his sword down on her and she blocks him by bringing her sword to a slant in front of her.

This is going to take forever. thought Fushimi. He then takes one of his throwing knives and stabs her in the arm with it. A loud scream comes from her as she clutches the arm he'd stabbed.

"I'll come back to finish you off later." said Fushimi sarcastically before walking away. The girl just smiles at him before heading to the infirmary. He continues down the hall toward the Black king's office.

As Reisi charges at Jack one last time, taking an advantage because Jack seemed to be distracted by something. His sword plunged through the chest of the Black king. Jack looks away from what he was staring at and smiles at Reisi.

"Your third-in-command has decided to come check up on you, Munakata." he said, clearly not in any pain at all.

Reisi stares at him in surprise, shocked that Jack hasn't fallen to his knees or something.

"I'd like to thank you, Munakata. You've helped me gain complete control over the Black king. It was an-" Jack is interrupted as the Black king tries to get out his final words. "I...I had him...I almost...had him..." he said with his final breath. Jack continued as if nothing happened. "...honor fighting with you." said Jack.

Tears sprung from Reisi's eyes at what he'd just heard. He felt guilty for what he'd just done, like that time ago when he'd killed the Red king, Mikoto Suoh. The Black king was dead now because of him. Jack could take full possession of the dead king now.

Outside, the black sword of Damocles crumbles to dust. The Blues think they have won, but they don't know the entirety of the situation. They wait patiently for their king to emerge, alive and victorious.

Fushimi was about to run up to the worn king when Jack sent a gust of wind to blow them off his ship with words telling them to never come back.

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