Darkness Spreads Like Wildfire

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The city of Shizume was in chaos. People were being consumed by black fire, produced by none other than Jack himself. In a way, his influence was spreading. It had first affected the students at Ashinaka High consisting of an uprising of criminal activity and then spread to the rest of the city. So it seems none of the attacks were brought on by Jack's people, but by the citizens of Shizume City nonetheless.

Jack smiled down at the city. Things were turning out great, for him anyway. He had eyes and ears everywhere so nothing could possibly get past him. On the other hand, Fae had to be killed or both red and blue clans would team up and rid the town of him for good.

Relax, Jack. They don't stand a chance against you. Nothing can kill darkness. Jack smiled at that thought, Lenin, kill Fae but make sure there's no one there to stop you. Find the perfect advantage.

A dark haired man walks out from the shadows. "Yes, Master." His voice sounded transparent.

Fae and the others had to move someplace safe because someone had thrown a large object through the window and was shortly overrun within seconds of their leaving. They now resided in Scepter 4 hq. Reisi and Anna were contemplating a plan of action in his office while Fae was hugging Lilianna and kept on calling her mommy.

Yata stared at Fae with interest. "So, Lilianna's your mother, Fae?" he asked.

"My mommy!" Fae exclaimed, hugging Lilianna tightly. Lilianna pulled her away from her.

"In a ways, yes, I am Fae's mother. More her creator, though." replied Lilianna.

"Ah. So you created her to get rid of Jack?" said Yata.

Lilianna nodded. Fushimi gets up from his desk and goes to stand with them.

"Well, the world's in a chaotic state right now. Scratch that, not the world. It's just in this city." said Fushimi.

"How's the girl?" asked Lilianna.

"She's still unconscious. I don't see the point in why we even brought her here." replied Fushimi.

"Because we're not cold-hearted people here." said Lilianna.

"Wrong. Fushimi's the only one here who's cold-hearted." scoffed Yata.

Fushimi gave Yata a solemn look.

"I might be the one that's cold-hearted, but you my friend are very temperamental." Fushimi scoffed back. Yata gave him an angry look.

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