First Clansman

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'Why can’t I use my auras separately? Why do they have to join together?' thought Fushimi as he drew his sword. Him and Fae were both standing in a field of the city cleared by Scepter 4. Fae was staring at him with dead eyes.

“Fushimi must die.” she said, clearly voicing an objective that wouldn’t happen. Fushimi sighed.

“Let’s get this over with, shall we Fae?” Right when he finished the question, he charged straight at her. At his movement, Fae shoots a ball of purple light at him in which he quickly dodges. Closing in on her, Fushimi goes in for a kill but before it could hit Fae it hits a thin purple blade that materializes in her hand.

'What!? So now she can wield a blade? What can’t this girl do?' He thought as he steps back to attack again.

As the two of them are fighting, Fushimi catches a glimpse of Lilianna who had come out to see what all the commotion was about. Before turning back to battle, he sees the look of fear in her eyes. He wondered why she looked so scared and later on as the fight progressed, he found out why.

Facade is a device made in the form of a human created by light and darkness. Her cheery, energetic side emits warmth and gives her the ability to support two adjoining clans and heal any wounds except death. Her cold, dead side emits fear in the hearts of men and gives her the ability to wield many weapons and use her aura to kill. But if she so much as stays on her dark side, everything around her will be obliterated and life of man will cease to exist.

It was at this moment Fushimi realized the battle had took too long when Fae stood over him with her blade cutting into his neck. It looked like she wasn’t going to stop. Like she intended to cut his head clean off. Surprisingly he had enough strength to keep her blade from going any deeper.

“Fa...cade!” he said through clenched teeth. He didn’t know if he could keep blocking her and saying her full name again wasn’t working. Reisi and the rest of Scepter 4’s members were trying to find Lilianna to stop Fae.

A ringing could be heard in Fushimi’s ears. It almost sounded like Jack could be encouraging Fae to finish him off. Luckily, he was saved at the last minute as Lilianna called out.

“Facade! Stop this at once!”

Light comes back to Fae’s eyes and she looks at the position she’s in in horror. Her blade vanishes as she gets off of him and backs away.

“Oh no! I almost killed Fushimi-san! I’m bad! Bad Fae! You’re not supposed to kill your clansman!” she said mainly to herself as she held herself into a ball.

Sitting up clutching the small wound on his neck, Fushimi realized that he lost. But then again, Fae wasn’t any ordinary person. She could be death itself passed that cheery disposition. Scooting close enough to tap Fae on the leg, Fushimi gives a sigh.

“I guess I’m your clansman now, Fae. You can stop crying now. I’m not dead.” he said attempting to be reassuring. Unfurling herself, Fae hugs Fushimi. The contact of her arms close to his neck stung with pain. She quickly lets go of him.

“Sorry, Fushimi-san! I’ll heal you!”

“You idiot. You can only heal kings.”

“Oh. Then how do I stop the blood from coming out?”

“Leave it to Scepter 4’s medic.”

Fae nods as Reisi runs over to them.

“Are you able to stand?” asked Reisi.

“I can!” called out Fae as she jumped up.

“I can, though I might be a little shaky considering I almost got my head chopped off.” replied Fushimi. Fae looked really sad again.

“I’m really sorry. I don’t know-” began Fae.

“Don’t worry about it, Fae. You didn’t mean to do it. That we know for sure.” said Reisi.

Fushimi glances back over at where Lilianna had stood and noticed that she wasn’t there anymore.

“Guess we go with Fae’s plan. I’ll put it into a more tactical format suited for battle, though.” said Reisi as he helped Fushimi to stand.

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