A Ghostly Encounter & An Orange Cat

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Strolling through the city, Kye watches everyone get at each other's throats with gleaming interest. Being in cat form, no one paid him any mind. It wasn't until he noticed a guy in a blue uniform and a girl in a black uniform walk passed him that he grew deeply interested and decided to follow them. Occasionally he’d switch between cat and human form whenever they stopped to check if they were being followed.

“Fushimi-san, does that cat look awfully suspicious to you?” asked the girl to the guy who must be Fushimi. She's pointing directly at Kye. Fushimi gives the cat a glance before shrugging it off and continuing onward. After a while longer of walking, Fushimi stops to question why they didn't take the helicopter. He then glances at the cat but finds a human boy sitting like a cat and licking the back of his hand instead.

"Uh…" he stumbled and forgot what he was going to say. Sarah looked over at where he was looking and waves.

"Hey, Kye!" she called out to the cat boy. Kye freaked out as he turned into a cat. He then ran up ahead of them where he's caught by the boot of a strange man whose foot was on his tail.

"There you are! Just the person I need to kill." said the dark haired man with a transparent voice. Sarah stared at him in shock. Fushimi finds the opportunity to ditch her at this point.

"I'm going to go grab the helicopter. You deal with him." said Fushimi before heading back. Sarah being focused on the man standing before her, barely heard what Fushimi had said.

"Lennox! Aren't you dead!?" she exclaimed.

"Yeah. What of it? I'm dead already, so you can't stop me from killing you." said Lenin. Kye was crying out in pain at his feet. When he turned back into a human, Lenin appeared to be standing on the tail of his coat.

"Get off! Get off of me!" yelled Kye. Lenin doesn't budge.

"I could use you later as bait if Miss Writer over here decides to overwrite our fight." he said. Sarah just stared in awe at Lenin's form.

"I never imagined you'd come back to life as a zombie, Lennox. Isn't it hard to walk around?" she said.

"Stop making small talk and come here so I can kill you!" he yelled, realizing if he wanted to step forward he'd have to step off of Kye's coat. Then he realized that Kye could just take off the coat and he'd be free. "Aren't you going to take off the coat? You'll be free if you do." said Lennox. Kye looked up at him in shock.

"This is my favorite coat! I can't just leave it! You're making it all dirty and wrinkled!" yelled Kye. He kept trying to pull his coat free. Lennox just stared at him as if he were crazy.

"Is this how you're making everything up for Essa May?" asked Sarah all of a sudden. Lennox returned his attention to her. He looked angry.

"Don't bring her into this!" he yelled.

"You know, it's not my fault you wasted your life and took your own wife down with you." said Kye. Something in Lennox clicked and he removed his boot from Kye's coat. As soon as he's free, Kye turned back into a cat but before he could run off Lennox grabbed him by the scruff of his neck. Lennox's sword was out and ready to plunge it through the boy's small form.

"I never got to have her as my wife! And I never took her down with me! I chose to go down with her!" he screamed.

"But you did poison her." confirmed Sarah. Lennox looked at her, anger yet sorrow showed in his eyes.

"I never meant to poison her! She wasn't supposed to eat the food! It was for...It was for-" Lennox bursts into tears before he could finish the sentence. "Just go! Capture Jack and seal your stupid darkness!" he yelled through his tears. He'd also let go of Kye, who ran to Sarah's feet. She looked behind her for Fushimi but couldn't find him. Where could he have gone?

He wasn't really going to get the helicopter. He just wanted to leave everything to her. She was the author after all. She could make all this disappear.

"What a cruel thought. Is that why you prefer to work alone, Fushimi-san?" said a voice that belonged to a man sitting atop a fallen building. Fushimi scowled at him.

"What do you want? You're the cause of all of this." said Fushimi. The man smiled.

"You're right. We are."


"The girl you were with and me."

"So, you're her dark half."


Silence filled the air between them until the darkened version of Sarah wearing a male mask speaks up again.

"I bring good news. You want to hear it?" he said. The scowl on Fushimi's face went from angry to annoyed.

"I'll tell you anyway. If you want all this to end, kill the girl. If you want all this to continue, keep chasing someone who doesn't even exist. I expect you'll keep this information to yourself so I'll take my leave now." The man stands up and fades away like a ghost. Fushimi is left with what he was told. He looked back in the direction he'd walked from.

"Kill her and it'll all be over, right?" he said to himself. He then heads off. This time to actually get what he said he'd get.

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