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Fae cried out in pain. Everyone just thought she'd run into a wall or something but instead found her lying on a couch curled into a ball. Yata kneeled down in front of the couch she was on.

"What's wrong Fae?" he asked.

Fae shook her head. "Blue king. Hurt." she quietly replied.

"What'd she say about the Blue king, Yata?" asked Izumo, who was unable to hear Fae because he was standing behind the counter.

"She said the Blue king is hurt.," said Yata, putting what Fae said into a sentence, "How do you know this, Fae?"

Fae sat up to take off her shirt. Yata tried to stop her from showing everyone her breasts but Fae managed to take it off and turned so that her back was towards him.

"My back." she said, indicating for Yata to look at it. What he saw was a thin line cut a quarter of an inch deep starting from her left shoulder to her right hip. It was red but the blood had no intention of seeping out.

"Fae, what did you get this wound from?" asked Yata.

Fae shook her head again. "Blue king, Munakata got it. It mirrored onto me because I'm linked to both red and blue kings." she replied.

Anna walked over to get a look at the wound.

"It seems like the Blue king is hurt, Anna." said Yata.

"So if I were to be injured, it would reflect on Fae's body too." said Anna.

Fae nodded. "Uh-huh, but you won't get hurt right Anna?" she said.

"I won't. My clansmen and I will make sure of that. We'll watch out for each other too." said Anna.

Fae beamed at that, happy that Anna wouldn't get hurt. She wondered where Fushimi was, thinking he was probably somewhere with the Blue king. She hoped they were safe and the king's injury was being treated to.

Reisi stood up from the pile of trash he and Fushimi had fallen on in an alley. He helped Fushimi to his feet. They were somewhere not far from Homra's hq. The pain he felt from the cut on his back burned, but he wasn't worried about that right now. Right now he wanted to meet this Purple king and Fushimi would help him find her. But what he didn't know was that Fushimi already knew Fae and where she was.

"Fushimi, I want you to help me find this Fae Kawashima." commanded Reisi.

Fushimi looked at him in shock. "Shouldn't we get back to hq so we can treat your wound first?" he asked.

"I'll be fine. I want to find this Purple king." said Reisi.

"Okay then. Follow me." said Fushimi, starting to head off toward the Homra building.

This time it was Reisi's turn to look at Fushimi in shock. "You know where the Purple king is?" he asked.

"Just follow me." grinned Fushimi. Reisi said nothing else as he followed him to the Homra building.

Fae was asleep when Reisi and Fushimi entered the building. She bolted to the door when she sensed Reisi in the doorway and embraced him.

"I'm sorry, Reisi. I know how much pain you're in." said Fae.

Reisi placed a hand on her head. "So you must be Fae Kawashima." he said, "How do you know that I'm in pain?"

"Reisi needs to heal." said Fae, "I'll heal."

Reisi stepped back from her. "You'll what now?" he said, confused.

A glowing ball of purple light appears between Fae's palms. Light emits upward and the Blue king's sword of Damocles appears above him, outside the building. The light appears as a purple ball right next to it and strikes a line of light into the sword. Reisi trembles as the wound on his back slowly closes itself back up. Once the process of healing was over, Reisi's back was completely flawless and the mirrored wound on Fae's back had vanished. The sword of Damocles and the purple ball faded.

Fae brushed both her palms together. "All better now." she said. Everyone just stared at her in amazement.

"Too bad she can't do that to everyone in both clans." said Yata, picking up his board.

Fae stared at him. "Only kings." she said.

"Knew it." Yata heads outside just to be pushed back in by a female dressed in black. Fushimi recognizes her immediately.

"You!" he yelled directly at the woman.

She looks at him and smiles. "Hello Mr. Fushimi. Unfortunately, I am not here for you. I'm here for you, Facade." said the woman. As soon as Fae heard the woman call her that, she centered her gaze on the woman and threw a blast of purple light at her. The woman dodges the blast and runs at Fae with a fist full of black. Purple and black light clash together in a fierce attempt to kill one another. Yata, Fushimi, Reisi and everyone try to help out but are pushed away by the intensity of the situation.


Lilianna stood in front of Homra's hq. She knew the woman made the wrong choice in saying that word in front of Fae. Consumed by darkness she was. Lilianna could help resolve her of that.


A white light flies past the group watching the fight and slams into the woman no one was rooting for. The woman gets slammed into the wall and falls against it, unconscious. Everyone turns to the building's double doors to see a woman dressed in white. This time, Reisi was the one to recognize her.

"Lilianna..." began Reisi.

"Facade, you can settle down now." said Lilianna, ignorant of Reisi's presence.

Fae calmed down a bit at the sight of Lilianna. "Mommy!" she exclaimed as she ran to embrace her.

Lilianna acknowledged her embrace and then turned to the unconscious woman. Everyone else stared curiously at Lilianna, wondering what she was going to do next.

Kneeling next to the woman, Lilianna places a hand on the girl's chest right where her heart was.

"Taking orders from Jack I see. I'll help you rid yourself of his control." she said, seeping light into the girl.

A sudden voice makes its way into the room. You can't cure her, Lilianna. Her heart is weak and it will soon become mine again.

Everyone had heard the familiar voice. It was Jack's. They began looking around for its source, but Jack was never even there to begin with.

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