Feeling Off

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As the city was coming to ruin, Jack felt a bit down. He couldn't put what he was feeling into words so the voice in his head spoke for him.

“You've done well, Jack but at this point you're doomed to fail. You know she always wins.”

What did this voice want and why did it sound familiar?

“Let me take it from here. I'll see to it that her “wish” is granted. Shizume will be at peace with one flaw: Me.” The voice chuckles softly to itself.

“And how might I win if I let you take over?” asked Jack.

“You'll get to be with that sister you've grown so close to within the years.”

“It's a deal then. Don't hurt her.”

“I won't. I'll only make her suffer.”

Standing in the midst of Scepter 4, Sarah watched as the members ran about making final preparations. She knew that their plan wouldn't work because, you know, she could write this story however she liked. Even though she didn't like to admit it, she actually had little control of the story. Her other half had control of most of it and it was awol at the moment. In order to capture it she needed all the pieces and there were six, three of light and three of dark. She'd already obtained four of them but was taken over by Jack before she could collect him and Lilianna.

Now looking at her situation, she had a fifth key in her grasp. She approached Lilianna with a grave expression. Reisi noticed it first however.

“Sarah? Is something wrong?” he asked. She shakes her head.

“Lilianna...can I…” Sarah tugs on the blade at her belt, stumbling with her words. She'd wanted to speak with Lilianna alone but this couldn't take long. She needed to do this now. “Will you let me kill you?” At her question the blades of everyone close by were drawn and pointed at her. Lilianna just smiles and motions for everyone to put away their weapons. Reisi is hesitant to do so but eventually does anyway.

“Why would you ask that? What are you hoping to gain from her death?” he questioned. Lilianna answered instead.

“Another key to boost your strength to collect the last key. Sarah, are you ready to face Jack?”

“I will be when your here with me.” Sarah puts a hand to her heart. “Cara and Xara will be happy to see you.”

Reisi takes interest in what's being said.

“So there is more to this than what you've said so far. I'm assuming this Cara and Xara along with Lilianna and Jack are keys to something?” he said. Lilianna turns from Sarah to face Reisi.

“Yes. There are six keys that lock a certain dark side of Sarah. Jack is a tough key to get because he is easily manipulated by that dark side.” explained Lilianna.

“I have four! John and Jiomur are here too! I just need you and Jack!” exclaimed Sarah, worried for time. Lilianna turns back to face her.

“Are you sure? You-know-who is probably hoping you obtain all five keys.”

“I'm ready!” Sarah pulls out her blade but just as she's about to run it through Lilianna someone else's blade does. Lilianna fades away into darkness. Silence fills the air until an unfamiliar voice breaks it.

“You know, you're not the only one who's set out to destroy the keys.” As the black mist disappears, the smirk of a young man wearing Scepter 4’s uniform is shown.

“Traitor!” yelled Reisi, stepping towards the man.

“No, don't go near him!” yelled Sarah, stopping Reisi from getting closer.

“He's my clansman! His treachery shouldn't go unpunished!” Reisi was angry and wouldn't let this go but Sarah, again, knew something he didn't.

“He isn't your clansman! That's a mask covering my other half!”

The young man just continues smirking at everyone, scanning the crowd around him.

“What do you want!?” asked Sarah. His eyes fall back on her.

“Where's Fae?” Right when he asked that, someone comes running straight into Sarah's back and they both fall to the ground. Fae sits up and looks around.

“Where's mommy?” she asked. The young man gives her a genuine smile.

“There you are. Isn't she the most useful character we created?” he said rhetorically. Fae’s eyes widened in surprise when she finally took notice of him.

“Y-you're not mommy!” yelled Fae.

“Destroy them, Facade.” 'And if she doesn't collect Jack and recreate Lilianna all of Shizume will crumble.'

All of Scepter 4 put all their focus on Fae except for Reisi. He attempts to kill the man in hopes that it'll return Fae to normal but the man avoids him and escapes successfully.

As for Fae, she completely turned on everyone. It took Scepter 4 and Homra both to detain her. Sarah gets up and is already being told to get Fae back to normal. She attempts to do so with the power of Lilianna but fails.

“It's not working.” she said.

“Then you must go after Jack. Fushimi can go with you.” said Reisi.

“I can go with who?” said Fushimi, who has just walked into the situation.

“You'll come with me to apprehend Jack.” said Sarah. Fushimi looked displeased with this task. However, he averts his attention to Fae.

“What's wrong with Fae? Where's Lilianna?” he asked.

“She's standing right next to you. As for Fae, she seems to be stuck in her dark form. If Sarah can obtain Jack, Fae might return to normal.” said Reisi. At hearing him say that about Lilianna, Sarah shakes her head.

“Lilianna is destroyed. At least that's what happens when “he” kills them.” she said.

“Can she be recreated?” asked Reisi.

“Yeah, but it'll take time.”

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