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Fae Kawashima didn't remember her past very well. She just knew that she was Fae and told herself that that's all she needed to know. She had long purple hair and violet eyes and wore an Ashinaka High School uniform even though she wasn't a student. In the few minutes of the life she just started, Fae had never gone to school. She didn't even know what the concept of school was.

Walking around the streets of Shizume City, she stares in wonder at the buildings surrounding her. After her admiration was over, she crossed the road without using a crosswalk and looking both ways so it confused her when people honked their horns at her. Making it to the other side, she walks into a bookstore and starts browsing shelves.

Not far from the store, Saruhiko Fushimi stood next to a restaurant unable to believe that his two colors that he possessed had merged into one. He had discovered this when him and Misaki were in one of their usual fights. Instead of being red and blue, they had become purple. It frustrated him not knowing why. He's suddenly drawn to the bookstore across the street as Fae is ushered out by the owner. He intently watches her. Something was very odd about her and he hoped it wasn't because of how stupid she looked when she crossed the street.

As Fae was pushed outside by the store owner with a book in her hands, she barely noticed when he grabbed it from her.

"Hey! I was reading that!" she complained.

"If you want to read it, you've got to pay for it." explained the store owner.

"Pay? With what?" she asked.

"Cash." replied the owner.

"What's cash?"

The owner got frustrated with her and went back into his store. Fae was lost. She didn't know how this world worked. Looking at a store across the street, she runs over to the building, car horns honking at her.

Fushimi watches her go inside. What's she going to try to steal this time? he thought, taking interest in the girl. He follows her inside and pretends to browse shelves while he keeps an eye on her.

It happened so fast. Fae got ahold of a camera phone and went wild snapping pictures of everything. She was going to run outside with it, but runs into a strange man in blue. He falls to the ground with her on top of him. She stares at him with eyes filled with wonder as she snaps a picture of him with the phone and runs out of the store.

As Fushimi got back on his feet, the store owner was at the door yelling for the girl to come back and pay for what she took.

"I'll get the phone back for you, sir." said Fushimi, heading outside.

"Good. A member of Scepter 4 is here." said the owner with relief.

Fushimi took off in a sprint towards the girl. Turning a few corners every ten meters, he finds that he hasn't caught up with her at all. A blur of red and white rides past him, beating him to the girl.

Fae stood in an alley, staring at the boy on the thing with wheels. He had stopped in front of her and stood there looking her over as if confirming that she was the one. For what? Fae didn't know. She lifted the phone up in front of her and snapped a photo of him.

Yata put his arm up in front of him in reaction to the flash. As soon as his sight cleared up, he looked at the girl who was sitting on the ground looking up at him with a smile. He'd expected her to run after she did that, but remembered what Anna had said about her; that she was completely new to this world like a newborn.

He gave the girl a smirk. "Hey there, I'm Yata and I'm here to help you figure out who you are." he said calmly.

"I already know who I am! I am Fae Kawashima!" she exclaimed.

"Okay, Fae. That's not what I mean. I'm saying that you might be someone who's very special." explained Yata.

"Special?" said Fae, wondering what the word meant.

"Yeah. You think you're special, Fae? Like the sun, being a very important person." Yata didn't like how slow this was going, but he had to tell Fae every specific detail and meaning of a word he said.

"I'm special? Like that man in blue?" Fae asked, pointing a ways behind Yata.

Yata turned around to see a familiar face walking towards him.

"I see you've beat me to her, Misaki." said Fushimi.

"What are you doing here, Monkey?" asked Yata angrily.

Fushimi stops at Yata's side. "I'm just curious.," He looks at Fae, "So it's Fae Kawashima, hm?"

Fae nods her head. Her gaze stops on Fushimi's sheathed weapon.

"If you're not here on Scepter 4 business, then leave." said Yata, glaring at Fushimi.

Fushimi turns to Yata, unaware that Fae's hand was making its way to his sword. "It's none of your business to know why I'm here." said Fushimi.

Fae snatches the sword from his belt, sheath and all and examines it.

Feeling a familiar weight disappear from his hip, Fushimi looks at Fae. He grabs the weapon back from her and puts it back on his belt.

Having the weapon taken from her, Fae starts crying.

"I only wanted to look at it!" she cried, tears rolling down her face.

Yata looked angrily at Fushimi.

"What?" asked Fushimi, seeing Yata's expression.

"You can't be mean to her like that. She's like a kid. She doesn't understand everything that happens and whatnot." explained Yata. He kneels down in front of Fae and pulls her in to comfort her. She sniffles as she rubs her eyes on his shoulder. Fushimi watches them a while before he gets an idea.

"Misaki, how about you and me look after her together?" asked Fushimi.

Yata looks up at him, still holding Fae. "I'm taking her to Homra." he replied.

"Why not take her to Scepter 4?"

"Because Anna told me to find her and bring her to Homra."


"She's the cause in our sudden boost of power. We've got to protect her."

"Then I'll help."

"Why?" It was Yata's turn to ask.

"She might be the reason my aura's have changed."

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