Chapter 14

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"What the hell is going on here?!?!", someone yelled. Ross was still on top of me. I look up and see... my mom. I just stare at her in shock. What the hell was she doing here? Why did she have to come at this specific second? I quickly tried sitting up making Ross fall to the floor in the process. I didn't even care about the amount of pain Ross was feeling from the fall. All I was wondering was what the hell my mother was doing here.

"I think I asked you a question. What is going on here?", she said with anger filling up her body. I lost all words. I didn't know what to say. I don't  even know what's going on. "Whoever you are get the hell out of my house!!", she screamed at Ross. I couldn't let Ross leave. If he left I don't know if I would ever see him again.

"No! Ross doesn't have to leave, because this isn't your house. He can stay if he wants to", I yelled at her. I've never yelled at my mother. "Don't you yell at me young lady. I want this boy to leave, because he's obviously a bad influence. You guys were pretty much having sex on my couch", she yelled back at me.

"Hey what's going on here??", Sage yelled stomping into the house, "Mom what are you doing here?", he asked. "I walk in here to find Carly practically having sex on my couch", she explains to Sage. This is bullshit. "I was not. Am I not allowed to kiss my boyfriend?", I said to no one in specific. "Mom it's not your house. It's not your couch. Carly is 17, and I trust Ross", Sage said, "I trust both of them".

"No daughter of mine should be acting this way. You've never done anything like this before. Where is your father anyway?", my mom said. "He's probably in the shop", I said just wanting her to leave. "I want to talk to him. He's obviously not fit to take care of you", she said walking away. I lost it after she said that. "I'm 17. I don't need dad to babysit me, and there's no way in hell I would move to New York with you!", I yelled at her. Then next thing I know my cheek is stinging.

"Mom! Get out! Now!", Sage yelled at my mom while Ross kneeled down next to me to see if I was okay. I hated my mom so much at this point. "Fine! But you and I both know HE is the reason why you're not able to do volleyball. HE took everything you ever wanted away from you!", she yelled at me. I stood up.

"Oh yeah! Well you're the reason why I cut myself!!", I screamed at her. Everyone was silent. My mom's jaw dropped to the floor. tears started streaming down Ross' face. I ran upstairs. I couldn't be around them anymore. I had to be alone. As I was laying on my bed under the covers, I heard yelling and screaming. a few seconds later I heard someone coming up the stairs. Then there was a soft knock.

"Carly?", Ross said outside the door. I really didn't want to talk to anyone especially Ross, so I just stayed silent. After a few more minutes of trying Ross gave up and went back downstairs. I never cut. That was a lie. I've thought about it, and that was my mom's fault. She always told me I wasn't skinny enough, that I needed to loose weight, or I was the fattest girl on the team.

I got my guitar out and started strumming a few chords. I haven't played my guitar for a long. I never had time because of volleyball. After playing for a while, I heard another knock on the door. "Can I please come in?", but it wasn't Ross. I open the door and see Riker. "That was beautiful", he said sitting on the edge of my bed.

"You've got real talent", he said grabbing the guitar. "I know you're not here to talk about that so spill it", I said sitting next to him and taking the guitar away from him. "Do you still do it?", he asked. I shook my head knowing that he was referring to the cutting. "No, I never cut in the first place. I made it up to make my mom feel bad", I said.

"Why did you lie? You knew Ross would freak out", he said. I shrugged. "I don't know. I didn't really think it through I guess", I said, "How did Ross take it?", I was worried about him. "He's crying, a lot, he's broken", Riker said. I felt really bad. I need to talk to Ross. "Can you send him up please?", I asked Riker. He nodded and left. a few minutes later Ross came into the room. Ross was about ready to speak, but I stopped him.

"Before you say anything, it was a lie. I've never cut myself, and I never will", I said making everything clear, "Now you can speak". Ross sat down next to me on the bed not saying a word. I was trying to look at the expression on his face, but he wasn't looking at me. He was just staring at the floor. He finally faced me and smashed his lips onto mine. He laid me down getting on top of me. Before the kiss could get too heated I pulled away.

"Please don't ever leave me", I breathed out. "I won't", he breathed smashing his lips back onto mine. After a few more minutes he pulled away. "Don't ever say anything like that again. You scared me, and promise me you never will cut", he breathed out. "I promise", I said softly pressing my lips against his, "I love you".

"Carly, we really shouldn't be doing this", he said pulling away again. I felt my heart start cracking. "I love you I really do, but I don't think we should be together right now", his voice was shaking.

"Leave", I said refusing to look at him. "What?", his voice cracked. "You can't just come up here and kiss me then tell me we can't be together. You're the reason why my mother slapped me!", I said raising my voice.

"Don't blame me for that! You're the one that had to keep running your mouth!", he said starting to raise his voice.

"And I thought I loved you", I mumbled. SMACK! My face turned to the side from Ross' smack. My cheek was burning so bad. It was the same cheek my mom smacked not even an hour ago. "Get out", I said trying not to rip his face off.

"Carly I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-", he apologized, but it's too late. "Did I stutter? I said GET OUT!!", I screamed. Tears were running down his face. "I'm sorry", he whispered backing out of my room. It's too late for sorry. Once as I heard the front door close anger started to fill up my body. I got up and started throwing everything. I knocked things over. I wasn't mad at Ross; I was mainly mad at myself. I ran into my bathroom and closed the door. I can't control myself. My anger took over. The next thing I felt was my fist colliding with my mirror.

I screamed in pain. The glass cut my knuckles. I needed to take my anger out on something. I went into my cupboard and pulled out my brand new box of razors. Tears were blurring my vision making it ten times harder to rip off the card board. I finally got it opened and got one out. I heard someone yelling my name but ignored it and tried to get the blades out.

"Carly?!?!", Riker yelled staring at me in disbelief. "I can't get it apart!!!!", I yelled struggling. He ran over to me and ripped the razor out of my hand. I didn't try to fight him. I just cried and fell to the ground. Riker sat on the bathroom floor with me and held me in his arms. "It's gonna be okay", he whispered while rubbing my back.

"Why did this have to happen?", I cried into Riker's chest. "I don't know", he sighed holding me tight against him.

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