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In the bedroom

Third Person POV

Ã.M gently place Izumi on the bed and open a draw were ropes were hidden he took them out and tied them on Izumi's hand and legs tightly causing her skin to turn red and her eyes open and immediately scream from the pain.

"Shut up and be quite slut." Ã.M slapped Izumi on the face hundred times 'till she passed out from the pain. 

"Be a nice girl and let uncle have fun with you." (A/N: I'm so gross out right now, I mean who wouldn't.)

Downstairs with Uraraka and Marcia.

Uraraka and Marcia were struggling to be free, and we're extremely tried but were trying hard to be free.

Marcia's thoughts,

I'm a horribly aunt, I'm suppose to protect Izumi and here I am just sitting here letting this happened how could I, WAIT A MINUTE my quirk I can contact Todoroki.

Pause a minute,

Marcia Midoriya quirk: Telepath.

This quirk allows the user to contact persons though the mind, limits is if the user talks to long he/she gets a headache.

Story resumes

M is for Marcia
And S is for Shoto

In Marcia's mind,

M: Todoroki were are you?
T: Aunt Marcia, I'm in bed why?
M: Get here as soon as possible Izumi is in trouble!!
M: We're at Uraraka's place get here quickly.

Out of Marcia's mind.

' I hope he gets here soon '

Shoto POV

I quickly jump out of bed and run downstairs, quickly call Endeavor and the pro heroes to go to Uraraka's place. I quickly put on my hero custom and run to the place.

After a few minutes I saw the place and the police and some pro heroes like: All Might, Endeavor, Eraserhead, Present Mic, Midnight and Cementoss were there.

"Shoto why did you call us here?" All Might said smiling. I just put a finger on my lips and quickly open the door to Uraraka's house were we walk in the living room to our shock we saw Uraraka and Marcia tied up and was struggling to be free. Midnight and Present Mic ran and rip them free of the ropes.

"Go get Izumi she's upstairs in one of the rooms with that bastard." Uraraka and Marcia said angrily, I immediately ran up the stairs and check every room until I came across the last one, I quietly open the door to see a man on top of an unconscious and shirtless Izumi kissing her face. My blood was boiling, I shoot a platform of ice on his knee and it grow on to his neck freezing him in one place.

"Stay away from my fiancé you pervert." I growl and walk towards him and knocked him over causing Ã.M to fall on the floor with the ice still on him. I untie Izumi and picked her up in my arms that's when I notice how red Izumi was all over her body and bruises on her cheeks, I was now seeing red.

"What the hell did you do to her you bastard?" I give him three kicks and a punch in the face. "Stay away from my fiancé or else you will never see daylight again." I walk outside the room to see the police, the pro heroes, Uraraka, Marcia along with the ambulance.

"MY GOD IZUMI!!" Uraraka and Marcia ran to us and look at her with tears in their eyes. "It's all my fault I should have told Izumi about that bastard but I was afraid that she would hate me." Marcia shouted and was crying in her hands.

"Aunt Marcia it's no one's fault we should have known." I said and with that I walk to the ambulance and place Izumi on the bed and driver drove of to the hospital.

Izumi POV

I woke up to the bright light hurting my poor eyes and I use a pillow to cover my eyes but then my wrist, legs and cheeks started to hurt that's when I hear a chuckle from across the room. I turn my head slightly to see Shoto still chuckling at me I glare at him.

"Oi shut up you baka." I shouted at him and threw a pillow towards him which he easily catches. "Good morning and I'm sorry you just look cute."he said causing me to smile. "You really think so?" I asked, Shoto started coming closer to me. "Of course I do and nothing will change my mind." He close the space between us and gently place his lips on mine, I wrap my arms around his neck deepening the kiss. We break apart and I snuggled next to me.

"I love you Shoto Todoroki."

"I love you more Izumi Midoriya."


Yes two more chapter to go and this story is complete, my second story is on hold because I need time to finish this story and to study. 'We'll be together no matter what' will be continuing on June 24,2019 'till then,

See ya next time.

Sunshine fairy 15💋

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