Something's Up

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"All that aunt Rei told me is that they find her on the floor bleeding to death and a bastard left her for dead."


3 months later,
December 3, xxxx
Hours ago

Aunt Marcia POV

I know that bastard would break out of prison but I didn't aspect it to be so soon, he's going to come and take my Izumi away. I promise her mother I well take good care of her and I will protect her until I die. I have to move out of this city before he find us I have t-----

"Aunt you okay you space out again." Izumi asked she was smile so wide I'm afraid her mouth might hurt her. "Ohh darling why are you so happy today?" I ask and I already know the answer.

"Well Shoto is taking me on a date and i wanna impress him how do I look?" Izumi spin around in the outfit.

Izumi's outfit

"You look gorgeous sweetie, make sure to be back by 6:30 and enjoy yourself." I hug her and kiss the top of her head. "Oh and aunt can you make sure that Amarok doesn't chase the cats next door she's been at it all night." I chuckled I love when Amarok does that sometimes and i don't protest about it.

"I'll try but I didn't promise anything." I said. "Okay bye aunt!!" She kiss my cheeks and was out the door after that, I'm so glad Inko gave birth to such a beautiful girl, I sigh I really miss my little sister, but I have to keep Izumi from that bastard at all cost. My thoughts were broken when a knife was place under my neck rubbing my skin.

"Do you really think you can protect her don't make me laugh you are pathetic and weak, now tell me were did my gorgeous girl go now." He's knife tighten around my neck I had to slow my breathing so it didn't cut me.

"No way in the hell I well tell you that, she is my niece so go rotten in hell and leave us alone." I said. "Feisty just like mother, but remember she's my niece to Mari and besides she is to beautiful to go to waste so I want to have fun with her for a while." He's breath smell like dead rats and I'm suffocating here ugh.

"YOU PERV DON'T YOU DEAR TOUCH HER I W----- MMMMM UNNNG." he place a plastic bag over my head and was now suffocating. "Shhhhhh sleep now because later you won't wake up haha haha." I'm sorry Inko, I'm so so sorry Izumi that I couldn't protect you.

With Izumi

Third Person POV

Izumi was skipping to the movie were Shoto was standing holding two tickets for the movie.

"Hey Sho!"Izumi peck he's lips and smile. "You ready for the movie Izu." "Of course!!" The couple walk in the theatre and took they seats and the movie began, overall the movie was good for Shoto because he brought tickets for a horror movie, which cause Izumi to jump into he's lap and stay there until the movie was over, Izumi was now glaring at her boyfriend after the movie was finished.

"What?" Shoto asked confused. "Why did you let me watch that?" Izumi asked still glaring at him. Shoto wrapped his arms around her and kiss her forehead. "I wanted to see the movie plus I can make it up to you." He said sweetly to her.

"Okay then you have to care me to the park and then care me to the restaurant and care me home." Izumi grinned at her suggestions.
"Okay any thing for my fiancé/girlfriend." Shoto lift Izumi in a bridal style which catch Izumi by surprise and she turned beet red.

They went to the park were Izumi made Shoto a cute flower crown and dare him to keep it on, they play tag afterwards and went to the restaurant were they crack jokes and other stuff. Izumi felt proud that she got back her old Shoto back the one she had love before.

Right now should Shoto is carrying Izumi home and we're chatting happily. "Here we are, are you sure you are gonna be okay." Shoto looks at Izumi worriedly. "Don't worry I"all be fine go home and rest you must be exhausted from caring me."

"Hmm nah your pretty light you know like a feather." Shoto joked. "Hey!" Izumi playfully glare at him. "Just joking love you." Shoto kiss Izumi on the lips before waving goodbye at her and walked away.

Izumi was about to walk in the house when her phone rang.

"Hello, Izumi were are you?"

"Aunt Rei I'm at home actually I'm going in now why do you ask?"

"Come to the hospital as quick as. you can we can't talk about this over the phone the hospital is  xxxxxxx on xxxxxxx street come quickly."

Izumi POV

I don't know what the rush is but I quickly ran to hospital that's when it hits me I don't know who died is who is injured.

"Izumi thank goodness your here." Aunt Rei ran towards me and pull me in a comforting hug

"Umm aunt I don't understand where is uncle and who is injured," I asked confused. "Izumi I *sigh*  Izumi minutes after you left the house someone breaks in and tried to kill your aunt but failed because the police and Endeavor got there before she could die and will the police are trying to see if anything is stolen but Izumi don't worry everything's gonna is okay." I couldn't help it tears started to run down my cheeks and I was shaking.

"IZUMI ARE YOU OKAY!!" I turn around to see Shoto running to me at a speed I never ran before, met him mid-way and hug him so tight I think he might faint but he hugs me back

"What happen Izu?" Shoto asked
"All that aunt Rei told me is that they find her on the floor bleeding to death and a bastard left her for dead." I started crying all over again. Shoto sat down on one of the chairs and pull me on his lap.

"Go to sleep Izu I will wake you up when the doctor comes out." His voice is soft and relaxing and I immediately fell asleep cuddling my boyfriend.


I come back to see my son and my daughter in law sleeping together, they look so cute and I can't let this go to waste so I took out my phone and snap a pic of them.

"Umm Mrs. Todoroki can I speak to you for a minute?" Police asked. "Yes, of course, what do you need?" I asked.

"Well first the patient is peacefully asleep and second we investigated the scene and this letter was left behind probably by the intruder." He said. "Can I read it?" I asked. "Of course." I take the letter out of his hand and it read::

DoN't ThInk I fOrGet aBouT YoU GoRGeOuS!!!! i'M JuSt GeTtInG sTaRted . Ã.M


Okay, so this is what I had in mind what do you think is it bad or good, who is this mystery man and what does he want with Izumi? Also, I would like to thank Izuku_Todoroki_ for telling me how to end this story. Thank you so much boi and I hope you guys read her story too, 'I fell in love with my maid.' and 'I fell for my childhood friend.' she has good writing skills and experience go support her, please.

And thank you, readers, for reading my story may God bless you.

See ya later

Sunshine fairy 15💋

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