Mystery Man

768 20 15

Todoroki POV

I woke up to see I was no longer in the hospital but in my room, I tried to sit up but a firm grip hold me in place I look beside me to see Izumi peacefully sleeping a small smile tugged on my lips as I watch her sleep, I kiss her forehead before removing her small arms and get out of bed. I open my room door quietly and went downstairs to my surprise I saw my mother at the table drinking tea.

"Mother what are you doing here?" I asked shocked, Endeavor never let Mom inside the house ever since the incident. "Good morning Shoto did you sleep well?" Mom was acting strange and was tense, I wonder what's up.

"Mom is something wrong you look tense for some reason" I said worried."Shoto while you and Izumi were sleeping the police find something about the break in and found a letter it said ' don't think I forgot about you gorgeous I'm just going started' and was sign Ã.M at the bottom am really worried." Mom said in worried voice, I hug her and whisper softly.

"Everything is okay Mom I won't let anything happen to Izumi I promise that." "Ohh Shoto how did I get lucky with you!!" Mom said pinching my cheeks. "Ouch that hurt." I joked and fake that I'm hurt. "Take care of yourself and Izumi for me okay I'm going back to the hospital." Mom kissed my forehead and left the house. I walk back up the stairs and to my room were Izumi was on her phone with a smile.

"Good morning sunshine, what are you happy about today?" I said and walk towards her and give her a small kiss. "Good morning Sho, Uraraka just ask me to come over her house for a sleepover." I then remembered what Mother said and the danger Izumi will be in if I let her go alone.

"Babe can I come with you?" I don't want to lose Izumi. "I don't think so Sho, Uraraka wanted to speak to me alone" I sigh and calm myself down. "Okay, but be careful." I wrap my arms around her and kiss her lips and she wrapped her arms around my neck deepening the kiss, after a few minutes we break apart.

"Just be careful okay." I peck her lips and hug her one last time before she walked out the door. I sigh I hope that man doesn't go after her.

Few hours later

Third Person POV

After a long train ride Izumi finally reached Uraraka's house, she walked up the front porch and knock on the door, but no one answered, Izumi open the door to be met with a something hit her head and everything went black.

After 15 minutes a man with black hair, green eyes and pale skin picked up Izumi and make sure that no one was pasting by and dragged her inside the house. He dragged Izumi to the living room were Uraraka was sitting on a chair tied up along with Izumi's aunt Marcia who were screaming at him. Ã.M got angry at them and pulled out his gun.

"Shut up bitches don't let anyone hear you or you're dead, but if you don't need me I well be upstairs having fun with my gorgeous girl ta-ta." He lift the unconscious Izumi up the stairs bridal style and left Uraraka and Marcia screamed at him he just laughed.

"Pathetic, now beautiful let's have some fun."


Sorry for the late delay but I have been busy studying I'm truly sorry for that.

I hope you guys fellow my second bff Izuku_Todoroki_, and support her as well.

See ya next time

Sunshine fairy 15💋

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