Finding my pet animal

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Izumi POV

... Go and help the animal she needs protection.....

I jerk awake to feel my body numb and I can't move and some wires were attached on to me with oxygen inhaler (A/N: okay don't blame me I don't know what it's called so bare with me.) I made a small shift that was all it takes before I hear a yell.

"DEKU YOU BASTARD WHAT WERE YOU THINKING WHEN YOU RUN OUT THE HOUSE --------------- JESUS I COULD YELL AT YOU FOR HOURS YOU DAMN NERD!!!!" Kacchan glare at me. I bow my head. "I'm sorry I just need some time alone," I said.

"Figured you wouldn't just run out the house like th--" Kacchan was interrupted by Mina. "Oh, Bakugo give her a break." "Thank you, Mina, I thought I was going to get a lecture." I sigh in relief.

"Actually you are but I'm going to save that for later, are you okay do you feel numb or anything?" It was Uraraka who asked this, this time.

"Yea I'm fine can I ask you guys something?" They all nod. "Well I want to go back to my old mansion I forgot I left something in there," I asked them they look at each other trying to decide.

"Okay but let's make it quick Mr. Aizawa is expecting us to come to class," Ochako said. They give me my clothes and I quickly change the hospital discharge me and Kacchan agreed to drive us to my old house.

When we reach the place was just as it was before when I was a kid. I walk to the flowerpot and lift it up and take up the hidden key, I reach for the doorknob and put the key and turn it the door made a cracking sound the house was cover in dust and the smell is really bad.

"Guys wait right here I'm going down there be right back." I ran to where the basement was I walk to the end of the room and saw a door I open to it reveal the greenhouse. It was just as beautiful as before.

When I walk in I heard a low cry it sounded like a wolf cries I walk to the end of the greenhouse halls to see a brown wolf with dark brown eyes.

"Oh my, are you okay?" I asked. The wolf look in my eyes then started walking towards it suddenly jump on me and started licking my cheeks.

"H-h-hey t-that tickles!" The wolf stops and started wiggling its tail.
"What's your name?" The wolf shakes its head. "You don't have one then I'm naming you Amarok are you a boy or girl I'm not sure" it looks like a girl to me because of the light brown on its fur.

"Come on my friends are waiting for me, let me introduce them to you." I gently stroke her fur and walk her out the door and back to my friends.

"Deku what took you so...IS THAT A WOLF DEKU HAVE YOU GONE MAD!" Kacchan yelled the other two look scared.

"Relax it's my pet her name is Amarok come on pet her she won't bite." They slowly walk towards her and pet her gently on the head and started playing with her.

"Come on we can drop her off my place then go to school the time is 8:30 will make it back by 9:20" We all walk out and got in the car and drive to my place.


Okay, I'm having some problems a person asks for Ochako and Katsuki to be together but I originally had ideas for Kirishma and Bakugo so I'm leaving up to you guys to decide.

Sunshine fairy 15💋

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