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(☟︎cast, on the bottom of the page)

(☟︎cast, on the bottom of the page)

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one breath in. two breath out. three breath in. four breath out.

the aroma seems to be fresh cut grass the smell that you can't describe yet it reminds you of the hot fun summer days.

my body shaking and breath unstable five, breath in six, breath out. come on genevieve you got this just keep on walking while breathing. taking walks escaping reality it gets too stuffy in a house full of toxic people you call family.

dads a drunk moms a coke addict siblings in and out the house i wouldn't be surprised if one was in another state. seeing the huge bright neon light displaying the corner store.

the name shined "liquors" picking up my pace as the numbers on the cross walk sped up. getting close enough i felt my shaky hand pull— push on the door great job genevieve you're not only having a fucking crisis but you've humiliated yourself by pulling the door when it displays the words "PUSH" finally letting the voices in my head go away i walk in seeing kids hanging out.

going into the snack aisle looking around between the kids and workers I push some of the small bags in my hoodie. Walking around I try my best to make it not obvious. acting as if I didnt find anything i went to the door and walked out.

Seeing the once bright sun set into the darkness I pick up my pace knowing i would go back in the system if Im not at home by 6.

looking at the time on my cracked android it displayed the time to be five fifty-seven. i running home which is about 2 blocks away i feel my adrenaline rush. The thumping of my beat up shoes hitting the pavement, i could hear my breath as i breath in through my nose through out my mouth.

seeing the apartment complex i run up the stairs seeing crackheads around doing drugs or fighting. Some pushing or pulling on me yelling things I couldnt make up pushing back running up the last step. opening the door I hear nothing, going to my room I get undressed into something more comfortable I lay on my bed hoping my parents dont call the cops.

a loud noise waking me up from my thoughts— i see my drunk father walk up to me. seeing his hand rise i flinch trying to move my face so the hit wont hurt. not feeling the cold hard pain on my cheek i look to see his hand pointing to the front walking away i get up following behind.

hearing people talking i seen my mother who's body was slim and skin pale, father had a beer belly but his skin being melanin they stood right next to officer derek he glanced at me with a look of sorrow. alreadly knowing the drill i walk into my room getting my shoes leaving things that will be listed as a safety hazard.

𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐋𝐘. |𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now