Red Coat

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Bella's POV

These past few weekends with Alice have been amazing. Since Charlie wasn't totally on bored with me fully moving out since I was still in high school, plus I don't really have a job yet. Icould only stay with Alice on the weekends. Charlie offered me a job at the station working as a clerk. Even though I let him know how grateful I was at the offer, I told him working with my dad would be a little weird.

Me and Alice were spending our Sunday inside since we had yet another rainy day. It was kind of early with us laying in bed with her watching the cooking channel as always. And me searching for jobs near her apartment and my dads house.

"What do you think about that one?" I lifted my head up from my laptop to look at the tv.

"It looks good." I said looking back down at my laptop. In all honestly it wasn't really something I needed to spend much time looking at. It was a burger that looked like it had an egg on it with an assortment of vegetables.

"Did you even notice it's a vegan burger?" I heard  her laugh at the fact that she knew I wasn't paying any kind of attention as to how the burger was prepared.

"I do now." I say smiling at her.

"Plus you're cooking is so amazing anyways I'm pretty positive I would eat just about anything you set in front of me." I pull her under my arm while still scrolling through my laptop with the other.

"Anything?" She laughs a little  snuggling up closer to my side but keeping her face on the tv making sure I couldn't see her facial expression.

Me and Alice still haven't had sex since the night of the party. Which I've gotten over somewhat because I know she doesn't want to risk hurting me. But when she makes sly comments like that it drives me insane.

"You know it's completely unfair when you do that right?" I say pinching her side even though I know it would have no affect on her.

"Well you know life's not always fair Bella." She laughs a little too hard lifting her head up to give me a gentle kiss on the lips. I kiss her back letting her little joke slide.

"What time are you leaving to night?" Alice had to go hunting tonight, so I told her that I was just going to be going back to my dads house. It was Sunday anyways and Charlie didn't like me staying out too late on school nights. Even if I was just with Alice.

"Probably around 8. Did you want me to come to Charlie's after?" She asks sitting up to get ready. It was already 6:30.

"Of course." I say closing my laptop, setting it on the table next to the bed.

"Are you gonna be up waiting for me?" She asks with a giddy smile climbing onto my lap straddling me.

"Would you be upset if I didn't?" I ask raising one eyebrow wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Not upset, just a little sad." She sticks her bottom lip out giving me her small puppy dog face.

"Then I'll be up waiting for you." I say laughing kissing her nose.

She smiles her sparkling smile that she does when she gets what she wants. Which is all the time with me.

"Is Rosalie going with you this time?" I ask as she hops off of me walking over to her closet. I'm assuming to pick an over the top outfit just to go hunting. Although whenever she comes back from hunting she never has any kind of blood or dirt on her.

"Yeah, this time we're all going. Of course with the exception of Jasper. Emmet told me he went hunting yesterday to avoid all the awkwardness." I walk over to one of the drawers Alice gave to me so I could keep a few things here.

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