Double Date

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Alice's POV

The entire night I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. I knew in a way I hurt Bella, I could see it in her eyes. The way she just turned so cold and didn't even touch me when we got back to bed. I wanted nothing more than to give her what she wanted, what I actually wanted too. More than she could ever know. But Edward was right, I put her life in danger when I gave into her that night. It's not like me to just give so easily. But I did with her.

I looked over at the clock to see it turn to 8 o'clock. I sighed knowing she would be awake soon, hoping that I could fix whatever damage I had caused our relationship last night. I sat there for a while thinking of things to say, how I could apologize to her. But before I could even begin to get a good idea of what to say she started to toss under the covers, something she did when she was starting to wake up. She usually snuggles up closer to me when that happens, but she wasn't even close to me. And she made a point not to be, which killed me inside.

She turned over to face me rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She looked so beautiful, and all I could manage to do was smile and forget about the things that were said last night. And for a second I thought she did too when she smiled that small grin that she saved just for me. But quickly disappeared just as fast.

"Morning." She said as she sat up a bit to look at me.

"Morning." I couldn't manage anything else after that, because I knew if I did. All that would come out is sobs and a bunch of word vomit, telling her how sorry I am for last night. And how much I wanted to, but just couldn't.

I'm sure she could tell because it always seemed that even though no matter how hard I tried to hide my emotions from her, she always reads me like an open book. Even when no one else can. She gave me a look of longing that pulled at my heartstrings more than anyone ever has. And I hated it, I hate how she can make me feel things I've never felt before. Even in all my years, the things she's made me feel still surprises me. And all I could do was look away because I felt the burning of tears welling up in my eyes. And that was the last thing I needed.

"Listen Alice-" I didn't really know what she was going to say, but the worst things came to mind. Like she didn't want to be with me anymore. That she couldn't be with me anymore. And that scared the hell out of me. Because honestly, now that I have her I can't imagine a life without her. My sweet Bella, the love of my life.

"Don't, I'm sorry Bella. I really am, I want you to know that. And that I did want to, I still do more than anything. But if I lose control- If I hurt you just to- I just can't Bella, I can't lose you by my own hand." And then they came, tears burning the side of my cheeks as I tried my hardest to hold back my sobs but failed epically.

I didn't know what to expect from her at the point, but what she did wasn't it at all.

"It's ok Alice. Shh, please don't cry. It's ok, I love you more than anything in the world." She grabbed me pulling me into her arms. And all I could do was fall even more into her embrace as she tried to get me to stop crying.

"I'm so sorry Bella, I just love you so much." I cried into her chest even harder. And if I were human, her grip on me would have possibly left brushes around my lower back.

"Please don't leave me. Please Bella, I'm sorry baby I can't-"

"I'm not going to leave you Alice. I'm never going to leave you, never." Her words burned deep into my heart, assuring me that her words were true. She pulled me away much to my disapproval, and whipped away my tears looking into my eyes.

"I'm not going to leave you Alice, I could never leave you. Not even if I wanted to. You're my everything, you're my life now Alice."

Her words touched my heart, her chocolate brown eyes bearing deep into my soul. And all I could feel was the love I had for her, and knew she felt the exact same way for me. She placed a light kiss on my nose before she moved to my lips. I sighed into her lips, relief washing over me. Because I knew with this kiss and her words, that we were fine. That we would always be fine. But she broke away too soon.

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