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Alice's POV

I left Bella's house that night, giving her all I had to give. And she said she needed time, why the hell would she need time? Time for what? I couldn't focus, my tears started to cloud my vision. Tears streaming down my face I finally made it home. I ran to my room, slamming the door behind me. What the hell does she mean by time!? What if she finds someone else while she's thinking? I started to cry even harder and sob into my pillow. I heard a knock on the door.

"Go away." It barely came out, but the crying was taking so much out of me. Without my permission Rosalie came in anyways and sat beside me on my bed.

"You really did love her?" I looked at her not able to speak, but just kept crying. She took me in her arms and rubbed my back soothingly.

"I'm sorry Alice."

"I need to get away for a little bit Rose."

"I understand."

Bella's POV

It's been two weeks since I've seen her, her siblings were still here so it's not like they moved. Did I hurt her that much just by saying I needed time to think. Pushing the thought away, I walked into school.

"Hey Bella wait up!" I waited for Angela to catch up so we could walk to class.

"Is everything alright Bella, you've been acting really out of it lately?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I gotta get to class though, I'll see you at lunch."

"See ya Bella."

English class hasn't been the same without her, school hasn't even been the same. Her brothers and sister look at me like they wanna rip my head off. I tried talking to Edward one day to see if she was alright. But all he did was basically tell me in so many words to fuck of and never talk to my sister again.

Lunch rolled around and I sat in my usual spot. Mike and Jessica haven't really tried to make much conversation with me, which is fine by me. Eric and Angela are really the only ones I talk to anyways. I was reading a book when Angela got my attention.

"It looks like your best friend is back Bella." She said smiling at me. Although I didn't have a clue as to what she was even talking about.

"What?" I say with a really puzzled look.

"Alice." She motioned her head towards the Cullen's table.

And there she was in all her beauty. It's almost as if I called her name because as soon as I looked at her she looked right back. She turned back to her table, it didn't look like she was having a conversation with any of her siblings. Although it did look like Jasper and Emmet her bickering about something. So many thoughts crawled into my head, like where the hell she's been for the past 2 fucking weeks. I missed her, and more than anything I just wanted to talk to her.

Although I didn't think it would be a good idea to go talk to her when her siblings are around. They already hate me.

'If you don't now, she might disappear on you again Bella.'

The voice in my head was really starting to annoy me. Fuck it, if I don't go talk to her and tell her how much I fucking miss her and want her.. I'm going to lose my chance, I got up shoving my book in my back and throw it over my shoulder shoving my hands in my pockets.

"I gotta go, I'll talk to you guys later."

Before anyone could respond I walked towards Alice's table. Something inside was telling me to turn around, that this was a fucking bad idea. To just leave and don't look back. But a bigger part of me was telling me that you need this, that I needed her. I swallow my pride and make it to her table.

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