She's A Risk

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Alice's POV

I was sitting in my room, thinking about Bella. Why couldn't I see her? And better yet, who was she with? I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts.

"Come in." I say looking out the window already knowing it was Edward.

He came in and sat on the sofa chair next to me looking out towards the forest that surrounded our house.

"We need to talk Alice." The look on his face was serious, too serious. It kind of bothered me. Edward wasn't the kind of guy to be taken serious, him or Emmet.

"About..?" I question.

"Your new human interest. It's not safe Alice. And you're putting the whole family at risk, not just your self." His eyes deep with concern, and a hint of anger.

"She's not a risk Edward, and even if she was... Maybe she's a risk I'm willing to take. I've never felt like this before, about anyone. It's like she's brining back the human part of me. She makes me feel like I have a soul again, like I'm needed." I look out of the window focusing on a deer in the distance realizing what I've just said.

"I can tell by your thoughts that you love her Alice, very deeply. And you put her in grave danger by giving into temptation. But you haven't completely thought this through. What happens when she realizes you're not aging. You tell her, about you and us? What then, she either runs in fear or asks to become one of us. Are you willing to give her that, are really willing to take away her soul? There are so many variables you have to think about Alice."

I thought about what he meant by giving into temptation, realizing he was talking about the night me and Bella made love. I really hates when he does that.

"I've thought about them Edward. I've considered every possibility. If I pull away, if I never see her again.. I couldn't live without her. And I know, that was a mistake. It wasn't meant to happen." A lump started to form in the back of my throat trying to realize what life would be like without Bella.

"I've spent so many years going through the motions Edward, and then she comes along. She changed everything for me, I've never felt more alive than when I'm with her. She makes me happy, happy to be me. No matter if I'm a vampire or not. The feeling I have when I'm with her is something I've never felt before. I love her, more than anything in the world. To the moon and back, and even if I wanted to I could never let her go Edward. She's my mate. So yes, she is a risk I'm willing to take."

I feel his eyes on me as I look back out the window.

"If you love her, then tell her the truth. And let her decide if this is the kind of life she wants for herself. This is something you can't help her choose Alice. No one can help her but herself, once she's in she's in."

He got up and started walking towards the door to leave me to my thoughts.

"But Alice, don't forget.. If you tell her and she picks wrong, you know what we'll have to do. Or the they will do it for us."

He left the room shutting the door behind him. When he said they, I knew exactly who he was talking about. A chill ran down my spine thinking about them. Could I put her life in danger like that? I love her, but did she love me enough to except who I really am. I want her, if she's human or not. I know that no matter what I'll always want her. Night came and I knew I had to see her, I wanted to. But I couldn't tell her tonight, not this fast. Are we even together? I just need to see her. I grab my phone off my bedside table and text her.

"Bella, can we talk? It's important."

I started pacing nervous as to what she would say. I here my phone vibrate to see a text back.

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