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By the time I got to Alice's house, I still have no idea what to say. Maybe that I love her, or that I'm totally pissed at her. I sit on my bike for a minute contemplating what the hell to say. But the harder I think about it, the less I know what to say. I give in and get off my bike making it to her front door, hoping that whatever I had to say would just come to me when I see her. I ring the door bell, and Jasper opens the door. Great..

"Is Alice here?" The look on his face makes me what to punch him. Could this guy be such a dick that he would actually think it's ok to open the door for me. I mean he had to know it was me. He's a freakin vampire, let alone the entire house is made out of fucking glass.

"No she isn't." The grin he has makes me want to punch him in the fucking face. And I actually thought about doing it, but changed my mind when I remembered that probably wouldn't be a good idea.

"Mm alright. Well just tell her I came by then." I turn around on my heals and start for my bike.

"You know you don't have a chance with her Bella. You should just leave well enough alone. She'll get over you soon enough." I stop mid stride when he says that. What the hell is wrong with this dude? I turn around to see his half cocked smile. God I hate this guy.

"Do you always just go around kissing other people's girlfriends, or do you just not like me?" My anger was starting to get the best of me.

"Bella, it's not that I don't like you. I don't too much care for you. But we both know that Alice is way out of your league. I was just trying help you figure that out." This guy was just filled with surprises.

"Out of my league? I don't know what the hell makes you think you're so deserving of Alice? Last time I checked she wanted to be with me, not you. So why don't you just swallow your pride, take a fucking hint and back the hell off." His face hardened, his eyes turned a darker shade of gold. This wasn't starting to look so good. I took his silence as a chance to leave, which is what I really needed to do if I didn't want this to get too out of hand. I went down to my bike taking one last look at Jasper before I drove off.

Man that guy was a dick.

Alice's POV

"You know Alice, the only reason I suggested going shopping is because I thought it would cheer you up."

Rose tried everything to make me feel better, she even tried talking to Bella the night before. Which I yelled at her for along with Emmet. I actually think they made it worse because she hadn't even responded to my text yet. We were on our way back home when I had a vision of Jasper and Bella talking on the porch. What the hell was she doing there. Maybe to talk to me, or was she actually there to talk to Jasper?

"You didn't even buy anything, I mean really Alice..?"

If she was there to talk to Jasper there's only so many ways that could end. Especially with Jaspers temper.

"Alice are you even listening to me?"

Trying to focus on seeing Bella again, Roses constant bantering obscured my visions.


"Oh my god Rose! what is it?!"

"Geez never mind..."

The rest of the ride was silent, and I was really annoyed at the fact that my vision hadn't come back. I did feel bad about snapping on Rose, I'll have to apologize to her later for that. When we got to the house, Bella's bike nor her truck was anywhere to be found. She must've left, maybe she really was here just to talk to Jasper. When we got inside I found Jasper and Emmet on the couch watching a football game.

Giving In To AliceWhere stories live. Discover now