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Bella's POV

The smell of bacon and eggs woke me up the next morning, along with the light of the sun coming through the windows. I threw the blanket that had been laid over me off. I don't remember much from last night other than all the shots and blunts. And then Alice... Oh god. I snapped up to see I was still laying on her couch just the way I laid down. Only difference is my shoes are kicked off. I rubbed the sleep out my eyes looking around for Alice.

To my surprise she was making breakfast, I wasn't sure she would even still want to talk to me after last night. I got up and made my way to the table to take a seat right as she set a plate of food down. I avoided eye contact with her by looking out the window which was a really shitty idea. The light hurt my eyes, and it felt like something was trying to bash it's way out of my head.

"Here, take this." She set a couple of pills down in front of me along with a glass of water. I swallowed them both down with no hesitation.

She went back to the kitchen to clean up as she left me to eat. But after last night I wasn't really sure if I wanted to eat anymore. I stood up from my chair walking to the kitchen.

"Alice." Her back was towards me as she continued to clean.

"Yes?" I could here the pain in her voice along with the tears she was trying to hold back.

"Alice will you look at me?" She didn't bother to turn around. Just kept cleaning.

I walked up behind her turning her around, pulling her against me holding her in my arms.

"Alice, I'm so sorry."  She shrugged out of my arms went to the couch and started folding the blanket that was just around me.

"It's ok." She sniffled a little at the end which broke my heart knowing I caused that in her. Knowing I caused my always happy and cheerful Alice to be this way.

I walked over to her pulling the folded blanket out of her hand setting it back on the couch.

"Baby, will you please just talk to me. Like actually talk to me." She looked me in the eyes with a small smile.

"I am." I could hear the pain in her voice and see the tears in her eyes. I grabbed her hands pulling her down to the couch to sit next to me.

"Stop lying to me Alice." She looked away and a tear rolled down her cheek. I whipped it away with the pad of my thumb while she rested her cheek in the palm of my hand. I pulled her into me wrapping my arms around her. And to my surprise she didn't resist.

"I'm sorry Alice."


"No Alice, let me finish." I sat her up so we were face to face. She whipped her eyes so tears were no longer clouding her vision.

"I'm sorry for last night, and for how I left before the party. I'm sorry I never even let you explain. It's just..."

"I know baby. You don't have to apologize. I should've just told you, I'm sorry I made it seem like I had something to hide from you when I didn't. You had every right to be pissed at me. I just- I don't wanna lose you Bella."

Her words hurt me, there is no way she could ever lose me. An I needed to tell her that.

"Alice, I'm not going anywhere. Ever, ok? You mean the world to me, you are my world now. An I don't ever wanna be without you."

She looked at me with those puppy dog eyes an smiled that always bright smile. An all I could do was smile back at her. This was the Alice I loved, the Alice I feel in love with. I couldn't imagine my life without her now that I have her.

"I love you baby."

She wrapped her arms around my neck not giving me a chance to respond.

"I love you to Alice. But you're a bit too tight." I said chuckling trying to lighten her grip on me.

"Sorry." She let me go but I just pulled her into my lap holding her close.

This was what I needed. I just needed her. An in that moment, I know that no matter what she's all I'll ever need. But I know that we still have a long way to go. Even after all of this.

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