Movie Night?

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"Alice, are you ok?" The look in Alice's eyes scared the hell out of me, and she wasn't even looking at me. I looked back at Jake who was walking up to us with an angry glare in his eyes.

"Bella, why the hell is he here?" The tone in her voice was low but it came out like venom. I've never seen her this angry, not even when she's mad at me.

"I invited him Alice."

"I didn't know she would be here." Irritation and anger clear in Jakes voice.

"Have you guys met or something?"

They both said no in unison. Which was really weird, a moment passed and Alice relaxed but Jake was still very tense. It still bothered me how they could act this way towards each other but still one another. Maybe it was just a family thing,

"Umm alright, we'll do you guys wanna go inside then?"

"I think I should go Bella." Jake suggested which kind of surprised me. I really thought he would wanna hang out more. Maybe because Alice is here.

"Yeah I think that's best." Alice said with a irritated tone.

"Listen you-" Jake started to yell at Alice but I interrupted him before he could finish.

"Jake chill. If you want to leave then leave. We can just hang out another time or something."

"Yeah whatever, it'd be better if she wasn't there though Bella." He motioned towards Alice and she rolled her eyes and looked off into the forest across the street from my house. Jake started towards his bike and got on.

"Hope she's told you who she really is Bella. And be ready for our date next Saturday, I'll pick you up at 8." He winked and drove off on his bike. What the hell was he talking about? I know exactly who Alice is. But before I could think too much into what he said, Alice pulled me back to reality.

"What the hell is he talking about Bella?!?! What fucking date?!" Shit, I knew she would freak out about that. I wasn't going to tell her but I guess I have to now.

"It's not Alice, we are just going on a lunch date. As friends, that's it. I promise."

"Is that what he thinks? Does he even know that we're going out Bella?"

"No, not yet." I say looking down at the ground.

I can fell her eyes on me. I looked up and she looked, well in so many words.. Not so happy.

"I'm going home." Alice reached for her car door, but I pulled her away.

"But you just got here! Why are you leaving?" Sadness started to grow inside me, and I knew she could tell because her angered look started to soften on her face.

"Why haven't you told him about us yet Bella?" I haven't really thought about it.

"I was just going to wait till Saturday to tell him. When I was going to tell Charlie. Why?"

"Because he likes you Bella. It's not that hard to tell!" She started to get angry again.

"Jake is just my friend Alice, that's it."

"Does he know you don't have feelings for him?"

"I've told him yeah..."

"You promise?"

"I promise Alice. Now can we please go inside, if you haven't noticed it's kinda raining." We had been outside all of 10 minutes and it had already started to pour by the time we got inside.

Alice's POV

I took off my jacket and shoes and started to walk towards the living room.

"I'll go make the popcorn and you can pick out the movie ok?" Bella's voice echoed from the kitchen.

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