Chapter 30

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She couldn't sleep even if she wanted to. Sandie had her eyes closed trying to grasp the god of sleep but her brain was a mess that getting any is impossible. She finally gave up as she opened her eyes and made a face at the sight of GD on his hospital bed. The moron was able to fall asleep even after everything. Never mind the fact that he's probably drowning in sedatives right now.

Sandie snorted at how irrational she is becoming. She exhaled slowly as she watched GD sleeping though his face still looked troubled. Sandie raised her brows at that thought. No, that's how GD always look like. She stood up off the couch and quietly left the room leaving GD to his slumber party that eludes her. The Dragons' men were stationed outside of GD's room and she barely glanced at them as she walked towards her sister's to see what her condition is now. Four of her father's men were guarding the door and greeted her with a nod. Sandie paused, her hand on the knob but she can't turn it. She's afraid to see Darie. Afraid to see her mom. Her dad. She's afraid to see the anguish mirroring her own. She let her hand drop on her side, her eyes just fixed on the door before turning back, changing her mind.

Maybe she should've just stayed in GD's room. She started to walk back towards where GD is currently holed at but stopped short as a thought crossed her mind. It was already at the corner of her consciousness that she just kept ignoring but maybe it is the right time now.

She turned to the left and walked the aisle towards where she knew Jang Hyun Seung was in. There were five Tigers standing guard by the door and they blocked her way when she was about to get inside.

"Miss," one of the tigers addressed her with a slight shake of his head.

"I'll be fine," Sandie told him firmly, looking at him straight in the eye. The man glanced at the other man on his right whom Sandie recognized as the man who had brought them to the hospital. He studied Sandie's determined face before giving a small nod.

She didn't know what she will find or what she will do or say to Jang Hyun Seung after everything that has happened. After everything he had done.

She had been ridden with worry and guilt over Darie that she didn't have time to think about Jang Hyun Seung. She tightened her jaw as she stood by the door letting the door close behind her as she saw Jang Hyun Seung sitting on the bed, his shoulder bandaged and his arm in a sling. Sandie slowly strode over over to him and noticed that he was just looking at a number of papers, folders, and some pictures spread out over his blanket. He was only staring at them without moving that Sandie was sure he didn't even noticed her entering.

He finally lifted his head from the files he had and looked at her. There was no surprise there. In fact, he looked like he had been expecting her. They watched in other in silence before Hyun Seung lowered his gaze down to look at the picture laid down on his lap.

Sandie's eyes went to the files spread out before him and instantly know what it is. This is what her dad had told her. This is what her dad had kept from Hyun Seung and the rest of the Wolf clan. Sandie guessed his dad already decided to let HyunSeung know about the cause of his father's death. Yes, it was caused by the leader of the Dragons. But it wasn't murder. It was in defense.

Hyun Seung's father had been plotting with the Chinese mob to bring down the Society in exchange of giving Korea to him. He had gotten so hungry for power and money that he also drove his clan into doing the same. Some were innocent but most of them weren't. They were blinded by their ambition to rule. They were blinded by the promises Jang fed them. I never thought he would gotten that far. He was my friend, he discussed his dreams with me and... I just didn't listen that there is already a brewing plan underneath all that. When I found out it was already too late.

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