Chapter 4

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"Is that your idea of a joke?!" Darie was seething but she had managed to tone her voice down to a whisper instead of yelling out loud like she wanted to do. It had been at least 5 attempted calls that her sister finally answered with a lazy yeah? like she didn't commit an action that will result to her death once Darie gets a hold of her neck.

The cafeteria had gone silent over her scream with Sandie's friends all lookin' at her wide eyed in their frozen state, their mouths hanging open and it was about a minute until she realized that she had called attention to herself. Feeling her face heating up in utter embarassment and utter rage, she immediately walked out of the cafeteria and ran to the most deserted place she could find. Under the bleachers in the school gym.

Her phone screen almost broke at how hard she had pressed the number to call her sister and she almost gave in to her hysteria when Sandie answered.

"Did you laugh?" Sandie asked back.

"Are you kidding me?!" She's really itching to throw her phone just to vent.

"Then I guess you should know it wasn't a joke," Sandie said.

"Did you realize...." She breathed in trying for calmness. "I NEVER acted that way. I had never make a spectacle of myself in front of the entire school!"

"I could say the same thing to you," Sandie said, her tone sounding angry now. "Unlike you, I showed you what I did so you wouldn't be blindsided. But you? You lied to me! Tell me. What happened with GD this morning?"

Darie fell silent but her chest was heaving as she glared at a stack of boxes near the wall.

"Tell me how I asked you who saw you fell and what you answered me with," Sandie continued scathingly. "Tell me how you lied about GD seeing you on your face down on the floor and how his gang took pictures of you. Huh?"

"It was an accident," Darie said with gritted teeth. "I panicked and I didn't mean for that to happen. I talked to that GD guy and he deleted it."

"Of course, he deleted it. Right after he posted it on the internet!"

Darie let out a heavy, angry breath remembering how GD told her he deleted it and even showing her his gang deleted it. She believed that it was the end of her worry. What a lying prick. "It's just a picture." Darie knew that was a wrong thing to say after it came out of her mouth.

Sandie scoffed. "Of course! It was just a picture! It was just a picture to you, Darie. You didn't know anything about me. You sees everything I do, everything I hold as important, everything I am, is shallow to you. You think my thinking of wanting to uphold a position in my school is ridiculous so you never really put an effort in keeping the image I have built up since I started pre-school. To you, it was just anabsurd logic of your stupid sister. A meaningless view on life. Well guess what? That is my life! The fight I had with GD was something you couldn't even comprehend but you make a fool of yourself wearing my face and then deciding that it was nothing."

Darie felt guilty for lying to Sandie but felt a little annoyed and offended that Sandie could think of her like that. She had spent the whole day worrying about that stupid photo. Yes, she does look at it as a little ridiculous but she tried to uphold the image Sandie have. And to get back at her for something she had done unintentionally is the one that is ridiculous.

"Yes, I lied to you," Darie said trying to calm herself down. "But I don't think it warrants a revenge. We're past the age of petulant behaviour. You should have confronted me instead."

"Oh don't give me that goody goody lecture. You know you're wrong and you're still speaking like I'm the one who's at fault."

"I only tripped!" Darie could feel the veins on her neck popping out. " And yes I lied about it but that is it! No one is even talking about it! No one even approached me. No one laughed at me. Every students scampered when they caught sight of me! Your reputation is still intact! The only issue that you have is that photo you saw in the internet which is so easy to remove! Your issue is so miniscule but you made a big deal out of it!"

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