Chapter 18

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It was odd how something that happened less than 12 hours has already reached all of the students in YG High. The students are all buzzing about it in private group chats and silent chatters on the hall. Darie could feel them talking about her as she entered the school grounds and seeing the students lounging in the yard, all huddled in groups and some students pretending to be doing something else when she passed by the row of lockers. After she had already seen them talking in hushed voices. These students are so obvious that she wanted to call them out for it. If they wanted to talk about her, they should just do it in her face since they are not very good in being stealthy.

She finally had enough when two of her classmates in English class, she couldn't remember their names but recognized their faces, both stopped talking as soon as they spotted her. She stopped walking and fixed them with a cold stare and both girls froze, their eyes widening and seemed to be rooted from where they are standing. Eyes not leaving them, Darie walked slowly towards them and she could see them glancing at each other in panic. She must've looked so crazed right now.

"Were you talking about me?" she asked when she is already right in front of them.

"N—no," the girl on her right stuttered.

"Of—of course not," the girl on the left said. "We're talking about... our homework... in English class."


"Yes. And uh... you know... if you want to copy our answers, that's okay."

Darie narrowed her eyes at them. "Can you tell me what are the different type of Conjuntions that do various jobs in a sentence structure?" As she expected, both girls looked clueless. "Or what is considered a Conjunctive Adverbs? You didn't know? That is our homework." She loomed into them. "You are asking me to copy your answers when you didn't even know what Conjunctions are. Try to study for once instead of gossiping about other people's lives. Aren't you even worried about your future?"

The students backed away from her. "We're sorry, Sandie. We're sorry!" They bowed their heads countless times looking like they want to cry as they skirt around her and before she knew it, they both sprinted away from her.

"Wait!" Darie yelled suddenly feeling guilty for losing her temper. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" Crap! What is this school turning her into? Shoulder's dropping, she proceeded to walk to Sandie's class but stopped when she saw GD and his gang approaching, walking to the same class. She even forgot they have the same classes. GD met her eye and she just rolled her eyes before turning away and walking to the opposite direction of Sandie's first class. It is the day when she will do nothing but skip all of Sandie's classes. Her sister never did care about grades anyway.

She didn't go to their first class nor her second or third, as per CL, who looked a little guilty when GD asked where Sandie is.

"She skipped classes. I mean, she's acting really weird and I hope it wasn't because of what I told her."

"I told her that she shouldn't get her hopes up on you, which is the truth. Sandie really likes you. I can see that when I told her about you doing the engagement for Kim Taeyeon and don't you deny it. I respect you as the future leader of the Dragons but my loyalty lies with my leader. And not to mention, my friend. So if you really can't get over Kim Taeyeon, give her time to get over you. I don't even understand why she liked you or when it even happened."

"No, I'm not exagerrating. She had never acted like this before."

GD wanted to guffaw at how CL perceived the broken engagement as because of Sandie Park liking him and giving him up because of Kim Taeyeon. If they only knew. They would probably sigh in relief once the real Sandie Park gets back and they could watch in enjoyment as they try to kick each other's butts. Darie Park is just a cover for whatever Sandie is trying to get at. Never mind the fact that Darie is doing this too to get something. He honestly didn't care as long as whole engagement sham was over and the Elder is okay with it. Of course that didn't stop his dad from talking to him once he got home and had to drag him off the bed. He grimaced at the recollection of that conversation and he can only mutter his agreement to whatever his dad is proposing just so he could get back to bed. Now that he think about, his dad has pretty much the most ridiculous ideas. Especially when it concerns the Tigers. His dad could never really understand that neither his son nor the Tiger's daughter want to get married until it is absolutely necessary. And this time isn't that time.

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