Chapter 23

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Sitting side by side on the floor at the foot of the bed with two boxes of pizza, cans of soda, chips, cakes, and some pasta that they called for delivery, the twins chattered animatedly, suddenly feeling excited for the first time in their teenage life to be spending time together without the parents.

After they checked in at the available Suite earlier that day, they went out to do some shopping and bought everything they needed for the night. They even changed their clothing to matching outfits, making the people gawk at them as they pass by while eating their ice cream. They also decided to watch a horror movie since Sandie didn't agree to a romantic comedy and Darie didn't agree to an action movie with blood and gore on them.

They found a lot of missed calls from their mom and their dad on their way back to the hotel. Riding the taxi—since they ditched their own cars—Sandie had called their mom and she was beyond hysterical now thinking something had already happened to both of them.

Why didn't either of you called? I was worried sick! What are you girls thinking?! Do you know how you got your father worried too? He already sent his men to find you! I'm conferencing him.

Sandie put the phone on speaker and their father sounded calm but his words are stinging. Sandie and Darie both cringed as they listened to their father knowing it takes a lot for their dad to be really angry.

Mom, dad, we're sorry. Grandpa's lawyer called us to give us the last inheritance—

And you didn't even called us to let us know about it?

The video was only for us and we understand grandpa now.

They started to tell their parents exactly what their grandfather had said in the video and how they felt that their grandfather is right. Their mom was sniffling at the end and their dad told them to be careful.

Spending time was fun and it was already 10:30 in the evening when they returned to their hotel to freshen up and get ready for bed. But after showering and changing to their newly bought pajamas, they ordered delivery and sat on the floor to talk about random things.

"So...," Darie said after a series of subjects which they had randomly talked about. "What're we gonna do about school tomorrow?" The question was already there, hovering between them which neither wanted to touch earlier. But Darie felt like they needed to address it now.

Sandie munched the pizza slowly before answering, "I guess we're gonna go back now, huh?" She let out a little chuckle. "Well, I can't say it hadn't been fun."

Darie let ou a chuckle too. "Considering how completely careless you were, I can say that it had been fun too."

Sandie sat up straight to face her sister. "Let's wing it again."

"Huh?" Darie's eyebrows creased.

"Like what we did before the switch. Let's wing it again. Don't tell me what happened to you and I won't tell you what happened to me. I think it's what makes the fun." She grinned.

Darie made a face at her. "Do you really want to go winging it? Yes, it was fun but we didn't talk to each other for three weeks because of it."

"Well, this time it's going to be different. I mean, I could tell you what happened to me when I was you but I'd rather not know what happened to you when you were me."

"Why?" She narrowed her eyes.

Sandie shrugged as she leaned her back on the bed. "I just didn't want to know." It's going to be a lot easier for her to be overwhelmed with what has happened to keep her from missing... someone. "You have really great friends, by the way."

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