Chapter 7

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Darie felt like throwing her hands in frustration as she saw a nerdy student behind GD balancing at least 5 stack of books in his arms while GD looked at her expectantly with a smirk. The school day is finally over and like the good girl that she is, she really did wait for GD after his classes like what he ordered her to do. Seeing the books, she can't really believe that GD would actually let her carry all those like what he said. Could he?

GD stretched his arms when he stopped in front of her waving a hand over to the student behind him. He smirked down at her. "I appreciate your enthusiasm in making up for those days you had tried to usurp my territory." He waved his hands in front of the books.

She really can't believe this! And the fact that he knows the word usurp is making her mouth fall. "You're not serious are you?"

GD tilted his head a little with a thoughtful but narrowed eyes. "Depends how serious you want me to be... Sandie Park." The stress on the name made Darie's jaw clenched. But she still tried.

"Have you looked at my arms? They're stick thin." She stretched it out so he could see how skinny they are are, "And... I weigh a lot less than you do."

"I agree," GD said with the left side of his mouth turned up. "But tell me, how did you manage to knock out a hundred and 80 pound guy with just one punch?"

Darie's pursed her lips because she couldn't protest or deny it altogether. Sandie punching someone is not really surprising. Oh my god.

"Weren't you also carrying two dumbbells in school last week saying you need to work on your arm muscles?" He grinned knowing full well it wasn't really her. "I don't think carrying books would be hard in comparison."

He is such an asshole. No wonder Sandie hates him. And Sandie is such a total weirdo. Who carry dumbbells to school for god's sake! Unable to utter protesting reasons, she sighed heavily and walked over to the student who looked surprised that she's actually doing what GD said without any strong arguments or perhaps a kick in the shin or a punch in the nose. The eyes behind the glasses got wider when she took the books from his arms.

Oh god, this is so heavy. From looking at it, there are two encyclopedias, 2 thick textbooks and a hardbound chemistry book. She tried to balance it in her small arms whille GD turned to the student.

"Scram," he simply told him.

The student hurriedly walked away, practically running, leaving GD smirking as he watched him. No doubt he would tell the school that Sandie Park is carrying GD Kwon's books home. His reign on the school is becoming tighter. And it won't be long until the name Sandie Park is buried in the long row of unknown students whom GD had successfully ran over. He doesn't really hate Sandie Park but her high strung attitude is really getting to him. Might be childish but subduing her name in this school will give him immense satisfaction.

Even if her twin will be an instrument for that.

He tried not to guffaw loudly at the thought on how the real Sandie would be once she gets back and realized everyone in this school is laughing at her and looking at her as GD's beck and call. It doesn't matter if she terrorizes the school again but this episode is golden.

He could remember when the animosity started and it is all because of that prick, Jang Hyun-Seung. He was a skinny, lame ass kid that keeps on clinging onto Sandie since they were in gradeschool. There was that one time in first grade when he and TOP are playing around and accidentally pushed Hyun-Seung who ended up on the floor with a scraped knee. He had bawled as if GD and TOP had hit him and then came Sandie who lit into them for bullying Hyun-Seung. From then on, she had always been on their case like her day wouldn't be complete if she hadn't acted like a snotty little kid saying she's against bullying when she was the one bullying them.

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