Chapter 5

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For whatever reason, after so long of being disconnected with each other, their parents had set up a dinner at a fancy restaurant in JinYoung City that night. Since neither of them are very much into the idea of giving in into driving miles to get on the city each were in, they just agreed to meet halfway.

Their mother had chosen a fancy restaurant that overlooks the city lights up in the private dining room with glass walls. Darie would've appreciated the sights, especially when the city outside is glowing with different lights, exclaiming with oohs and ahhs. But no.

She was too busy glowering at her sister who was seated across from her wearing a glower exactly like her own. Sandie was stabbing the meat vegetables with her fork as she glared at Darie alternately while, of course, raised with impeccable manners and etiquette, Darie can only respond with piercing glares at her twin while sitting ramrod straight in her chair.

Their parents seemed oblivious to the simmering hostiilty between the twins as they ate their dinner in their own little world that it made Sandie wonder why they even bother setting up this family dinner when each of them is too busy talking to their phone to even notice their daughters glaring at each other to death.

After finding out what happened on that student's page, Sandie had stormed inside their mother's house forgetting that she was supposed to have a broken ankle, leaving Donghae inside his car with that mystified look on his face. She had been steaming, practically seeing the fire with each breath she exhaled out as she paced back and forth inside her room looking at her phone, searching for something that might tell her it might just be a hoax. She had been tempted to send a message to CL but what would happen if she did and her stupid sister is just sitting beside her?

She didn't know why she still cares about that stupid will. All she knows is that if there's someone who's gonna quit around here just because things went awry, then it's not going to be her. It will never be her! She was still seething when her mom went up to her room and told her they're going to have a family dinner at JinYoung City with her dad and Darie. She really didn't want to see her sister right now and she told her mom she's too tired. But she end up agreeing when her mom told her she can ride her bike to JinYoung, She had missed her baby so much that seeing her sister would probably be worth it.

But now that she's sitting across from her, she realized not even riding her bike can blot out the image of her sister kissing her ultimate rival while wearing everything of her. She knew she did it to get back at her for kissing her lame-ass, rigid Mr. President but at least, Sandie kissed someone Darie likes. Darie kissed someone she detested. That is completely the epitome of obliterating any filial relationship they have.

"So, how was your first day?" Their mom finally looked away from her phone for a moment to ask them. Their father resumed drinking his wine as he shifted more comfortably in his seat, his attention now on them.

Sandie smiled widely at their mom. "Oh everything's perfec!" Her tone of voice indicated a brewing temper. "So perfect that I think your perfect daughter deserves an award." Her smiling face fell as she glared at her twin.

Darie couldn't believe she's pinning the blame on her with this whole catastrophe. She narrowed her eyes at her while responding in a calm sarcastic tone. "Oh don't give me all the credit, dear sis. We both know you did better."

Sandie smirked as she stabbed the meat with her fork. "I guess you were right. I guess I can do more tomorrow. Shall I send you another video?"

Darie's chest fell up and down trying not to blow up on the dinner table. Why is Sandie so vindictive? Her threats is becoming too much for her to keep calm.

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