Chapter 24

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The moment Darie started acting strange—or stranger than what he had been used to—he thought he might have done something that infuriated her again. When Darie flees at the sight of him or when he tries to talk to her, he's definite that what he did, even if he had no idea what, might have been that big of a deal to her. And as usual, he decided to give her time until she is ready to vent out to him. He was actually waiting for that so they could get past this since Darie seemed to move on as soon as she let out whatever is bothering her. And after that, she would be back to normal.

But he couldn't stand it anymore. The look she was giving him was not the same look she had given him at the time when she thought he had kissed Jessica. She looks at him like.... He honestly couldn't decipher what expression she have everytime she caught sight of him but he's definite it's different. He had a feeling that it's different.

But he was mistaken.

It's not different.

Something was off. Something wrong. Something very wrong that he couldn't pinpoint it.

Donghae looked in her eyes after he had surprised her with a kiss near the school's parking lot hoping that Darie would tell him what he did wrong so that they could eventually make up. He would even apologize if that means Darie would just stop avoid talking to him. Hell, he would even be relieved if she would curse like she suprisingly does when she gets really annoyed at him.

His eyes searched hers and realized why he felt that way. Her eyes somewhat had lost that mischievous sparkle that sometimes turns indignant when there's something she's pissed off about. Today, it just looked so... culpable if he would have to choose a word. Which doesn't even make any sense to him.

Darie could barely breathe at the total shock for what Donghae did and unable to move for a couple of minutes before it sunk in that Donghae Lee had kissed her. Kissed her. She had been wishing for this for practically her entire life.

So why does she suddenly feel so guilty? Like she did something unforgivable? Her feet stepped back away from him without her own volition, sucking in oxygen as her heart rate sped up. And it's not because of adrenaline or excitement.

"I... i...," she couldn't find any words to begin and just settled for the one thing she had been saying a lot lately. "I'm sorry. I... I'm just... I'm just feeling confused—I mean...." She swallowed hard before looking at Donghae. "I I have a lot of things that... that I'm thinking of and... trying to figure out." She continued when Donghae didn't respond. "Just... just give me some time." She averted her gaze because honestly think she couldn't stand looking at him while she's lying to his face. "I'm... I'm really sorry."

But maybe that is partially true. She just needed time to get things in order inside her head. GD had messed it up and she needed time to recover from that. She lifted her eyes to look at him again. "Please just give me time. I... promise... I promise things would be... better next time." Darie already spotted the car that will pick her up. "I'll... I'll see you tomorrow... okay?"

She hated this. She hated seeing that hurt look in his face as she started to back away knowing that she caused it. But staying would only cause her to lie more. Last thing she would want is to lie to someone who was only caught up in her and her sister's messed up plan.

Donghae watched her as she turned and slid inside the backseat of the car that picked her up wanting to call out to her. Ask her to stay. Ask her to tell him what's wrong. Force her to tell hm what's wrong.

I'm just feeling confused.

Just give me some time.

I'm really sorry.

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