Chapter 10

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They are playing hide-and-seek. Or at least Darie was hiding from the seeking GD. As much as it is against her principle and moral code, she had skipped most of Sandie's subjects to delay the volcanic eruption that is GD Kwon. She knew he was looking for her so he could murder her or something. After last night's dinner, he looked like he was close to reaching over the table to throw her over the balcony himself. He had spent most of last night glowering, glaring, gritting his teeth, clenching his jaw, clattering his spoon and fork at his plate and bowl as he pretend to eat. The parents were, of course, ecstatic about her easy agreement. Well, GD's parents, that is. Her dad, on the other hand, had been narrowing his eyes at her the whole time and only when they got in the car did he speak his mind.

"What's going on with you and your sister?"

"Nothing," she lied. Last thing she wanted is to have her dad and her mom set up a reconciliation meeting with Sandie. She's still so mad at her sister that she doesn't want to see her ever again! "I'm only doing what you want her to. Consider that you have the amicable twin."

"Exactly. So I don't understand where all this is coming from. Has Sandie done something?"

Darie scowled as she glared at the light posts as they passed by. "She always do something. It's nothing for you to be worried about, Dad. At least you already have the engagement sealed with the Dragons. The only thing you need to go over is how to drop it on Sandie. Which I'm pretty sure, you will get your way in the end anyway. So go on with your plan and get Sandie with GD Kwon. I'll even agree to be the bridesmaid if she wants."

Her dad sighed audibly and Darie doesn't know what her dad is so bummed about. He got what he wanted. An engagement. She got what she wanted.


Of course she didn't dwell too much on how GD will get back at her for this and frankly, she's not in the mood to provide words of enlightenment to his ungracious mind. She had been too disctracted checking the Spy Phone every minute waiting for more update of Darie's doom in SM High once she gets back but so far, it had been silent.

CL was sitting with her at the vast Recreation Hall of YG High. They were seating on a long Sofa while CL watched a group of Sophomore students play Xbox on the other side of the room. Darie looked at the phone again and sighed heavily.

CL smirked. "Are you waiting for GD to call?" She was present yesterday when GD gave her the Spy Phone and must've thought it was their communication gadget or something. "He was looking for you in classes and Bom said he was asking all the students where you are."

Darie made a face imagining the expression on GD's face as he looked for her. "Let him," she just said. It kinda amazes her a little that she no longer felt that fear she did on her first day here the first time she met GD and his gang. Right now, she have more important things to be concerned over than getting scared over GD's wrath.

CL chuckled. "So... are you guys back on square one? Best enemies and all that?"

"No," Darie said absentmindedly as she checked the phone again. "He's probably just looking for me because..." She racked her brain for a reason. "...he missed me." She shruggged her shoulders. Well, that's the best answer she's got.

"Really?" A voice that is definitely not CL had said and it came from behind them.

Darie and CL both craned their necks up and found GD behind the sofa they were sitting in with a face that is far from being amused.

Crap. He found me. Darie sighed inwardly while CL turned her eyes on her with her brows furrowed in puzzlement over what is going on.

"Outside, Park," is what he said glaring down on her. "Now." Then he turned to leave the hall expecting Darie to follow him.

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