Chapter 21

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"You know, drugs are illegal and I don't believe that even your society would condone the use of it." Darie raised both her eyebrows at GD with a dry look even while her heart is thumping traitorously inside her chest as if it didn't know enough that GD is probably just getting a rise out of her.

I'm all yours. Psssh. She wasn't that gullible.

GD didn't look deterred. "First, some of the people in the society are using drugs, just low key, so I believe the society condones that. Second, none of the dragons are using it as far I know and if there are, as long as they are not making a muck out of our name, then I guess my dad lets them. And third, I know drugs are illegal." He stood up and walked over to her. "So i guess I should take you with me to keep everyone from knowing."

He's not making any sense by the minute which really enforced Darie's idea of GD on drugs right now. "What the heck are you talking about?"

GD took her hand and pulled her up from her seat. Darie didn't even protest as she was too busy trying to figure out if she would still like the idea of liking GD even if he was on drugs and then realized her face is already right in front of his. GD smirked as he leaned down close to her ear. "You're my drug."

Whut? Darie pushed him and stepping back at the same time while her heart kept on pounding. "What are you trying to pull?" If he thinks he can just tell her things like that and expect her to grovel on her knees for him, he's got another think coming.

"I'm letting you have me," GD said as if he is doing Darie a great favor.

Darie scoffed. "I didn't ask to have you."

GD cocked his head to the side. "I did remember you saying you want me all to yourself."

"You really need to get over that," Darie said wryly.

"I don't want to," GD responded.

"You need to," Darie practically growled at GD's pig headedness. "I was just being honest, it doesn't mean I would act on it."

"That's why I'm acting it out for you."

"Why are you such an obstinate jerk?!" Her jaw clenched. "Is it because you think I'm easy? Just because I kissed you yesterday? I'm only human and humans doesn't have any control on their bodies' responses. It is an instinct borne of being..." She groped for a better word but came up empty. "...human. So it doesn't mean anything."

"It means something to me," GD said as a matter of factly.

This is what Darie hates GD for. He always say things like this in a nonchalant way and still makes her believe it even if she knows it was all bullshit eventually. Just words that will end in a punchline.

"What, that it means I'm substandard?"

GD frowned at her. "I don't know where you get all that idea from. I used to think you are as confident as your sister. Or more arrogant, perhaps."

Darie narrowed her eyes at him and decided to ignore that jibe. "I never thought you know the word perhaps or even know how to use it."

"I use it now and then," GD said then suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the sunroom and inside his house.

"Let go. What are you doing?" Darie said trying to shake his hand off not caring that she is doing it so obviously for the people to see. She doesn't care anymore. She is starting to hate him for playing her like this but GD gripped her hand tighter, practically dragging her to wherever he is leading her to. Darie exhaled sharply knowing her protests are falling into deaf ears. If she had been Sandie, she would've probably kicked GD in the chin by now. But unfortunately, she isn't flexible. And besides, GD wouldn't dare drag Sandie like this, anyway.

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