Chapter 19

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Because I want you to myself.

Darie's words reverberated on the sudden silence between them amidst the loud chatters of the students sorrounding them on the school hallway. GD looked like he was bitten by a rattlesnake by the way he stood there staring at her looking paralyzed. She stood her ground, not denying it, not downplaying it, not even laughing and trying to pass it off as a joke. She really blurted it out and she have to congratulate herself because she was able to render GD, the most arrogant person she had ever met, completely speechless. How's that for honesty?

She let out a huff after an interminable stillness as it looks like GD had no intention of moving from his suspended stupor. "I must've been so stupid," Darie told herself with a shake of her head and left GD standing there like the idiot that he is.

GD just watched her go with his mouth still slightly open, his brain empty of any coherent words and he knew If he spoke, he would be babbling like a fool. It was so unexpected. Completely and unexpectedly shocking, to be exact. He thought she was just joking around. He was ready to respond to that but when he looked at her, his eyes meeting hers, all the scorn and sneer hovering in his mind evaporated and only one thing has been clear to him. She was dead serious.

Because I want you to myself.

If he didn't know better, he's pretty sure she just confessed to him.

But it couldn't be. She's much too... idealistic to suddenly confess to a guy she hated. She hated him. She wasn't exactly keeping it a secret.

....but does she really?

So stupid. Yeah, I'm really stupid. S T U P I D. That's how you spell Darie. Why am I such an idiot? Darie kept beating herself up over and over as she walked to Sandie's next class. She really wanted to skip. Again. And hide somewhere but right when she was walking in a random direction, two of Sandie's guy friends, she forgot their names, greeted her and before she knew it, they each took hold of her arms and pulled her in the direction of the classroom. She have to tell them to let go so many times before the tall guy told her it was the Dragon's orders.

He's just looking out for your grades, Sandie.

Yeah right. Refusing to be the subject of entertainment for the student body to see, she told them she would attend the class with a sigh of resignation. It is Sandie's Psychology class. And one which she shared classes with GD Kwon.

And obviously, one Darie doesn't want to attend specifically for that reason.

After that confession she did at lunch, she wanted to go home and try to think thoroughly as her situation seemed to be a case of exhaustive self-research. She doesn't regret telling GD what she told him. Because she was only being honest. And that is why she needs to go home just in case her mind and her mouth decided to be say something else out of honesty because she is not able to keep her emotions in check.

And it is just too annoying because why would her level of boldness shoot up at this time when it could have when she was around Donghae? She couldn't even talk normally around Donghae. So why? Why why why. There're too many questionable matters she needed to figure out.

And she doesn't need GD Kwon on her face while she's doing that.

Unfortunately, GD Kwon doesn't agree as she found him sitting on the seat in front of the seat she usually sits in this class at the back of the classroom near the windows. GD was sitting sideways, his back leaning on the wall as he lazily played with a pen while watching her as she came in the door. CL is usually sitting in front of her and Bom on the chair next to her but today, Bom is sitting on the other side of the room beside CL who was giving her an apologetic look.

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