Chapter 29- Life Support

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 Melrose’s P.O.V


I lifted my head groggily, grimacing when heard my neck crack. I rubbed my neck, trying to remove the tension in my muscles.

Blinking, I let the blurriness subside to see Beau lying beside me. I let out a small sigh. What was I expecting? He wasn’t magically going to get better. It had been two weeks since the accident and Beau so far wasn’t showing any signs of waking up soon.

I hadn’t left Beau’s side in those two weeks. I know I was missing a lot of my senior year but there was no way I could leave him. I was afraid that if I went to school, I would get a phone call telling me he had died.

I don’t think I could ever forgive myself for that. At least if he died while I was here, I was beside him the whole time. That would take some of the guiltiness off me.

I had most of my work emailed to me by my teachers. My mom and dad weren’t too happy that I was missing so much but eventually agreed as I was still doing my work.

Noel would visit most days after training. He might stay for an hour or two before he had to get home to look after his little brother.

The police had visited on numerous occasions but Beau hadn’t woken up. They couldn’t question us because we just saw it after the accident had happened.

We still had to make a statement but it wouldn’t really help. People who had actually seen the accident gave more help. We had come to find out also that the guy who crashed into Beau, had died on impact.

In a way, I gained a bit of happiness out of that. I know that was an awful thing to say and he could have a family, but he had crashed into Beau. It was his fault that Beau was injured in a coma.

I tenderly reach out for Beau’s hand and held it in mine. I shivered as it came into contact with my own. His hand was way too cold to be healthy. Maybe the wrong choice of words…

My head snapped up when the door opened. “Hi Maureen,” I said.

“Morning sweetie,” She replied with a smile.

She had been the nurse that had checked Beau’s vitals each morning. We had become very close. Lately I had always came to her for support rather than my parents.

She walked over to Beau, pulling out his clipboard at the end of his bed and checking it. She then proceeded to check Beau’s heart and organ monitor.

“Is he O.K?” I asked hastily.

She nodded, “Yes his notes are good and his organs are functioning normally with the life support.”

I breathed a slight sigh of relief. I know he had been here two weeks but still every morning, I was worried that he might have deteriorated.

“You look shattered hun. Go downstairs and get some coffee. I’ll keep an eye on him.”

I shook my head initially but soon the idea grew on me. I trusted Maureen. Moreover, I needed a hot drink just to keep my eyes open. Sleeping in this chair wasn’t the most comfortable thing in the world. It kept me awake most nights.

“Thank you.” I murmured before stepping out the room.

I decided against going in the lift. One I hated lifts. Two I hadn’t walked very far recently, I needed to stretch my legs.

I followed the spiral staircase like a lost puppy. I couldn’t remember which floor I was meant to stop at. I think it was three but I wasn’t so sure.

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