Chapter 25- Good For Him

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 Melrose’s P.O.V

 Juno strolled in smirking widely, with Jesse close to his side.

What’s up with him? Juno rarely ever smiles. However, Juno and Jesse have gotten closer recently. The way they had been exchanging smiles or small greetings, whenever they past each other. Before a week ago, I hadn’t ever seen them do that. Whatever changed?

They both strode up our table and sat down beside each other. “Hey Juno, Jesse,” I said.

Jesse returned a reply, while Juno sat there with a wide smile growing on his face. Juno’s arm moved, sliding towards Jesse’s. I frowned at Juno thoroughly confused.

He didn’t seem to be fazed by the looks I was giving him though. He had an absent look plastered on his face. He seemed to be in his own world somewhere.

“What’s up with you?” I asked, facing Juno. He blinked; just realising I was still there and then shrugged, trying to look inconspicuous.

I shot Jesse a questioning look but he looked suddenly nervous. He had paled a little and kept taking side-glances at Juno.

After a few quiet minutes of trying to work out what was up with Juno and Jesse, I gave up. I suppose I would find out soon. Well I hoped it was soon.

The rest of our group arrived suddenly arrived in a hoard. They were all laughing about something. I noticed that Ryder and Autumn were with the group too.

Ryder, Beau and Autumn were mockingly acting out some scene that must have happened before they arrived here.

It was nice that Beau was leaving his other jock friends more frequently. He was being a lot more friendly with Ryder, which I glad for.

Excluding Noel, Juno and Ryder, I hated the rest of the football players and it made me smile that Beau had dumped there sorry butts.

“I’m going to get some food, Jesse come with me?” Juno asked.

Jesse nodded and followed Juno up. Juno held his hand out and Jesse took it instantly. They walked proudly up to the food lunch; holding hands.

I smiled knowing that Juno finally had the confidence to come out. Even after the beatings and the hateful words, he took at his old school. He overcame it and came out anyway.

I saw that Autumn had a smile growing on her face too. I had a slight incline that Autumn knew a while ago; with the subtle hints, that Juno never seemed to pick up on. Such as, yesterday in the car on the way, back from Denny’s.

Juno had slumped in his seat at Autumn’s words yesterday, but didn’t pick up on the fact she was actually trying to drop a subtle hint that she knew. Juno’s what ya gunna do with em’?


My head snapped up to see the person that had called out the word. Juno was viciously glaring at the person who shouted out.

Whereas most of the guys at our school seemed shocked or confused, the girls just started to gossip or they just ‘awhed’ at the sight.

Not many people said much but a few people thought it would be funny to shout out names. I could see Juno’s jaw starting to tick with anger. 

“Cock sucker.”

This time Juno and Jesse ignore the comment and proceeded to get their food. Once they had their food, they returned to our table.

Everyone was silent at our table. I guess the rest of us didn’t expect Juno to be gay. My eyes drifted around the table briefly but rested on Beau.

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