Chapter 19- Wins and Fails

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Melrose’s P.O.V

“You ready to go?” I asked Juno standing up.

He nodded walking outside. I saw Ryder’s car parked on the curb, so I waved in the direction of the car. “Hey Melrose, Juno,” Autumn said, greeting us as we jumped in the back.

“Hey. How long does it take to get to the stadium?”

“Uh- about half an hour,” Ryder told, driving down the road.

We were going to see a football game. To be more specific a Buffaloes game. Not only were they the home team of Colorado but they were Juno’s favourite team. He seemed to be excited but now we were on the way he was awfully quiet.

I didn’t really like professional football but I was looking forwards to seeing a live game. The atmosphere would make up for the boring part of the game.

“Can’t wait,” Ryder exclaimed as we stopped for a red light.

“Err-woo?” I asked unsure on how to answer.

Ryder rolled his eyes “You for real?”

“Yes, yes I am boy.”

“You go girl.” Autumn chanted, fist pumping the air. Autumn turned to Ryder and snapped her fingers. Ryder cocked a brow before sticking his tongue out at Autumn.

“Children, children,” I chided jokingly.

 As Ryder parked the car, you could hear the megaphones being used. We got out and made our way to the ticket booth. “Four tickets please.” Juno said politely.

He got handed the tickets and Juno paid the woman.

“Were at seats two-hundred four, five, six and seven,” Juno told, pointing at the stands across from us.

“But that’s so far,” Autumn whined. “Someone carry me.”

Ryder huffed but bent down so Autumn could climb on. She wrapped her legs around Ryder’s waist and arms around his neck. “Go horsey.” Autumn chanted as Ryder ran ahead.

“So excited?” I asked Juno.

He was looking ahead at the pruned football field that lay in front of us. Juno shrugged “I suppose.”

I blinked “What? Isn’t the Buffaloes your favourite team?”

“Uh-huh, just not feeling too good.” Juno said, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Oh look, it’s our little faggot.”

 Juno’s and I head’s snapped around to meet a tall blonde guy. “He looks so grown up.” He taunted. Juno’s muscle started twitching in his jaw as he clenched his fists to his side.

“Caine Meyers.” Juno gritted out.

“Oh good, he remembers my name.” The guy, Caine said turning to face the two others. They sent dour smiles to Juno.

“Don’t push me.”

“Or what faggot? You gunna suck my cock?” Caine heckled with a smirk plastered on his face.

Juno gritted his teeth together as he suddenly jumped forward. Ryder managed to grab hold of Juno’s wrists as he went for Caine.

Caine still stood there; without a flinch insight. “Awh, you got your cock sucking boyfriend there have you?” Ryder had a dark look forming on his face, as Caine reiterated the same words over and over.

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