Chapter 8- Old Faces

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Melrose's P.O.V

I stared into the mirror and realised the horror that was upon my face. I had come to realise that I had knocked my right brow bone when I pulled Marie on the floor. I had a lump on the bone with a huge purple bruise that covered it.

To top it off Marie had a better slap than expected. Oh wait, she is a bitch after all-forgot sorry. So now I had a large purple bruise all the way down my right cheek as well. Half my face was purple basically.

No type of concealer or foundation would cover it. I guess it’s a war scar. I shrugged at myself in the mirror and bounded down the stairs.


I shivered as I got off the bus; it was pretty cold today. Beau had left early to go to the garage and get his car. It last it was fixed, I no longer had to take the dreaded bus. I wrapped my cardigan closer to my body as a gust of wind blew.

I noticed that Beau’s car was already at school. So I walked to my homeroom in which I saw Beau talking two people. They were facing away from me and when Beau saw me, his face lit up. He gestured for me to come over.

I hurried over as the two people turned around. My jaw literally dropped. “Blake, Lana!” I yelled and ran into them. They enveloped me into a hug instantly. “What are you guys doing here?” I asked, but it ended up sounding muffled.

“Thought we might come and see our little one.” Blake joked, nudging my shoulder. That had always been our joke. Since I was the youngest; it kind of stuck.

“OMG, what happened to your face?” Lana inquired, poking my cheek. I jerked my head away when she went to poke it again. Her face dawned in realisation and she instantly retracted her hand.

I shrugged “Just some bitch that Beau went out with, and blamed me for the break up. Yada, yada, yada.” Beau turned his head away. He wasn’t impressed that I had fought back. But equally angry that Marie had hurt me.

“That’s got to hurt.” Blake said rather dryly.

“Nope, not unless people poke it,” I gave Lana a wry smile. She rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand-pulling me away. “What ya doing?”

She didn’t answer just carried on pulling me away. “Hey! I came to see her too. Don’t take her for too long.” I heard Blake call after us. ‘I’m here you know’ I mentally said.

Lana kept pulling me along for about five minutes, until she found the girls restroom. Once we were inside she pulled out her make-up bag and turned me away from the mirrors.

“Lana, seriously what are you doing?”

“Fixing your face,” she instantly replied. I huffed and said“Could have kept that to yourself.”

“Not like that. Now shh.” I did as told. She didn’t utter a word for another three minutes until she backed up and studied her work. “Nice.”

I turned towards the mirror and continued to stare. I saw Lana smirk in the corner of my eye. “How did you do that?” I asked. She had somehow managed to cover up my bruises. It looked like I never had them.

She tapped her nose “Secret.” I scoffed.

“Since when could you keep secrets?” I said, making my way towards the door and back towards my homeroom.

“Since, I knew you used to have a crush on Blake.” I froze and turned to her. She once again gave her knowing smirk.

“Nu-uh. I have never had a crush on Blake.” I glowered at her, which didn’t work. Her smirk got bigger. She knew I was lying. I did use to have a kind of half-crush on Blake.

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