Chapter 26- That's Why...

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Melrose’s P.O.V

 Ryder seemed distracted as he meandered through the bustling crowds of the hallway. Ruffling his blonde hair once more, he forced the door open.  I quickly followed behind, without being noticed.

I had decided against listening to Juno. Even though he claimed, he didn’t care why Ryder had stormed out; it was pretty obvious he did care.

Juno had reverted back to how he used to be. Quiet. It worried both Jesse and I. We tried to help Juno; but Juno being Juno just pushed us away.

I thanked a junior for holding the door open for me. I saw Ryder pass Lewis and Oscar- who were holding hands. Ryder didn’t send them a disgusted look but a pitying look.

I didn’t understand it. I was pretty sure that Ryder left because he thought being gay was wrong. The look that he shot them was ‘I feel sorry for you’.

I shook off the weird feeling and carried on following Ryder. He reached Autumn and greeted her with a small smile.

“Hey Autumn.” Ryder said.

“You know I still haven’t forgiven you for what you did to Juno. I know what happened to him was awful but times have changed.”

Ryder scuffed his foot on the ground, kicking away a stray stone. “It’s just hard after what happened; you kind of lose faith in humanity.” Ryder replied.

Autumn gave him an assuring look she popped her earphones in, ignoring Ryder completely.

Ryder walked past Autumn, towards the gym. Whom was Autumn talking about? Obviously, something bad had happened, that linked Juno and the mysterious person.

I still didn’t understand why it meant that Ryder refused to speak to Juno over it. To me it seemed a bit childish that Ryder didn’t speak to Juno now.

I mean they have been friends for years and now Juno’s coming out prevented them from keeping their friendly relationship.

Ryder had stopped round the back of the gym. He swiftly threw an empty plastic bottle at the wall. It bounced off the wall and Ryder ducked to avoid it.

He picked up a small stone and did the same. After a few stones, Ryder let out a frustrated groan as he slid down the wall.

“If I understood then I would have told him to wait.” Ryder mumbled to himself.

I timidly stepped out from behind the opposite wall, taking cautious steps towards Ryder. “Uh-Ryder.”

Ryder’s head snapped up to meet mine. The regretful look quickly left his eyes to be replaced with resentment. “Leave. Me. Alone,” Ryder grit out.

I bent down so I was at his eye level. “Ryder I just need to talk to you.” I explained. Ryder seemed to relax at that, “About Juno.”

Almost instantly his shoulders dropped. Ryder squinted his eyes and replied, “We will never talk about him.” He spat out with disgust in his words. “He made a bad mistake and I will never forgive him for it.”

“Why do you hate him so much? You’ve been friends for years and as soon as he comes out as gay you turn your back on him!” I countered, getting just as angry.

“Surely if you’re such good friends with someone you will support them no matter what. Whether their gay, straight or bi, black or white their still people and deserve respect.”

Ryder’s emerald eyes turned guilty as he let the words sink in. “What’s been so bad in your life that you can’t accept him?”

“My brother died.” Ryder blurted out.

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