Chapter 23- You Deserve This

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A/N- This chapter contains death, so if you do not like it please skip this chapter. You will NOT miss any of the plot line. The A/N at the end of this chapter is important.

Hunter’s P.O.V

He trailed slowly behind me, with his head down. Hearing the jingle of his shackles, made a smile play on my lips. He was broken now and he knew it.

I pushed the door open with little effort and ushered him through. He stopped in his tracks, realising that we were completely in the open.

Thing was we were in the middle of nowhere and if someone heard us they would think I was shooting an animal- not a human.

“Move,” I snarled. He quickly bolted from his stop and into action. His head craned towards me after a while of walking and I was quick to point out the area.

His shoulders seemed to slump further down his body but he didn’t once utter a word. Nicholls had always been one to talk back, but yet he was refusing to mumble one word.

Once we reached the area, I told him sit against the tree as I tied his limbs securely, so that he couldn’t run. Not that he would try now. He had no fight left in his decrepit body. He had his eyes closed, but his mouth moving forming incoherent words.

I wanted to draw it out, to make him think of what he did. No one treats me like that. “You should have thought twice before crossing me, Nicholls. You know I don’t make empty threats.”

“I know that all too well; just leave my Juno alone, you hear me.”

“Oh, so now you decide to speak. Well let me tell you it’s a little late.” I replied patting the gun in the waistband of my jeans.

"What did your mother do to you?”

I took three long strides up to him. I pulled the gun from its position in my jeans. In one swift movement, I brought the butt of the gun across his cheek. It made a sickening sound as his head snapped to one side. “Don’t push it Nicholls.”

“Why don’t you just kill yourself now.” he spat back.

“How dare you speak to me like that, you do not give me orders!” I said in a fierce growl.

I raised the gun once again, my finger poised on the trigger taking perfect aim. Hatred coursing through my veins, white-hot anger pierced the back of my eyes.

Regret flashed through his eyes, which pushed me further.

The gunshot shattered the silence, setting the world still in that moment. I stared straight into his paling orbs as the light left his eyes. I looked at the lifeless body at my feet, blood slowly oozing out of the entrance wound in the centre of his chest.


His last breath passed his lips as a satisfactory smile passed mine.

“Have you heard the news that you’re dead?” I whispered quietly, while running my hand down his cooling cheek.

Authors notes...

Hey guys. I know it's short but I never planned for it to be a long chapter anyway. It was just an insight in Hunter's mind.

I know I have already told you but I am defintely doing a sequel to this. The prolgue will be uploded once Chapter 26 of HOH is uploaded. It will be called 'don't leave me'

Again it is gunna be about Juno and his lover. Before I upload the next chapter try and think of someone Juno has gotten closer with (subtly). Remember Juno is gay so it will be a guy.

Comment if you think you know. I think the song on the side sums Hunter up pretty much perfectly.

Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment :}

B x

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