22 || Nights' insomnia

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*Two months after*

-Hyunjin's POV-

-From the top – Chan-hyung ordered.

I threw a thumbs up before he started to play the track, once again I tried to sing my part of the song but my head was somewhere else and I really don't enjoy who I'm thinking of.

Progressively, I've been failing while singing and rapping my parts; I repeated my parts for almost half an hour, I'm getting tired and I just want to go home.

-That's the one! – Chan said after I finished singing. -Take a deep breath, you are done here – He added.

I reloaded my back against the wall before breathing deeply, I looked down to the floor and took off the headphones.

Briefly, I got out of the recording studio and ran immediately towards the practice room; I closed the door as soon as I got in and then I just sat down on the floor.

I placed my hands on my head before looking at my reflection in front of the mirror, I thought about her immediately so I took out my phone and started to watch her last video again.

Her academy is posting different choreographies they do with different members who are there, also they have some others with idols joining them. This time, Miyun got the chance to be in their last video, and I got to say that she looks amazing.

-You should put that away – Changbin said while opening the door.

-Oh, is you – I said as I kept on watching the video.

-Just me – Changbin sighed. -How you've been? – He asked.

-The same; I can't sleep, my focus is only on her, I'm worried about my grades since they aren't the best as before, and I have a lot of pressure since I don't want Stays to notice how bad I am – I spoke out.

-That seems like a big problem, even if months had passed by so quickly – Changbin said before patting my back. -I don't like to see you so down; I want you to be fine again, and goof around like before – He said while clinging onto me.

I chuckled a tad before cluttering his hair. -I'll be better, I promised you that time ago – I said.

-Yah! You say "time ago" as it happened years ago – Changbin complained before hitting my side.

-Sorry – I chuckled before resting my head on his shoulder.

-Tonight, we'll be here to practice the choreographies for the comeback, you are a master at dancing and you already know all of them but, we'll be here if you need us – Changbin said while looking at me.

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