Been found again

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Sora pov

I didn't hear it until now but there were slow footsteps behind us, i slowly turned around and gasped, A black figure was walking straight towards us at a very slow pace but his smile was what made me shiver, it was wide and all i could see was shark needle-like teeth and then i remembered i had heard of this Scp before he was Scp 106 or the Old man he would take his victims into his "pocket Dimension" ,Echo started hissing and meowing very loudly and i was too shocked to say anything so i slapped Scp 035 leg making him groan before looking at me as i pointed to the dark figure watching as he had a look of pure come across his face .Scp 035: Yo doc we need to move now like RIGHT NOW !! 049 looked behind and his eyes had widened into the side of large hen eggs, the Zombie he had already made got and up tried to distract Scp 106 for a while, while he packed his things away before he left me up again into his arms off and i don't think i have ever seen the Doctor so nervous before even the mask was scared . My brother trailed behind us keeping up and making sure 106 wasn't following us.

We continued to run for about half an hour before we stopped, the mask and the Doctor were tired and panting, i glared at my leg before a memory struck me hard. I was in a white Egyptian dress, gold jewelry covered me and i looked like a queen guess my brother wasn't lying about that. A small boy was laying in front of me sick and wounded badly, in the memory i had left my hand as my eyes glowed a calming blue and i began to heal the boy. I was snapped back out of my memory by the Mask looking worried, i shake my head as i look at my wound before breath slowly and lefts my hand as my eyes slowly glowed a calming blue as the bandages slowly disappeared along with the stitched while i would feel the wound began to heal from the inside of my leg , i let my hand fall as i panting softly my brother looked to me and came nuzzling me a well done, i looked to the mask and the Doctor who seemed to Shocked again.

Sora: " don't even ask i hardly know how i did it ..," I turn away and looks at the roof before i get up as i heard the footsteps again, i hiss softly before i looked my wrist seeing it faintly glow and spark lightning once he walked in i threw a small ball as it shot lightning at him making a lightning net . I watched as he screamed before he sunk into the floor, i helped the Doctor up and continued to walk away with the boys following me.

Time Skip...

We had finally stopped we had been walking for over 2 hours now and i was hungry as all hell and my feet had begun to hurt badly, i flopped onto the floor and made my metal paws retract as i massaged my feet while the Doctor went threw his medic bag and the mask whistled a toon i didn't know or wanted to know . We were in a small room with a few documents filing on the floor, a broken computer screen lay on the floor and a cabinet laying facedown on the floor, blood painted the walls. I would hate to know what happened to the person, i slowly started to drift off from been bored and a little tired as i felt my been put into the doctor lap, i cuddled into his chest and fall asleep 

I was walking in an endless hallway it was all white, like the holy white, not the horrible white of the facility. The smell was different as well, it smelt like purity and warm things, As i continued to walk the lighting grew brighter until i couldn't handle it and i closed my eyes, i felt like i was falling until someone caught me. I opened my eyes and my eyes landed on a beautiful woman, her hair was white along with her fox ears, 9 tails floated around her and her eyes were captivating. A bright baby blue in one and deep red in the other, i got of her hold and looked around. Sora:" mom why am i here and where is here     mom: i come bearing u a warning, your greatest enemy has just found out that u have awakened and will do whatever she can to kill u also i have to restore what i have taken from u ." she put her hand on my head and felt like my brain just exploded, my eyes slowly closed my mom let me fall and then i woke up, only to feel someone's lips on mine , i open my eyes and looked up to the Doctor seeing his mask up slightly .

I put my hand on his chest and he moved back very quickly as i breathed heavily it felt like i had not breathed in the air for like lungs hurt before the pain went away i saw my brother looking at me expectingly. Sora: i..i just saw mom     Echo: what did she say     Sora: she said my worst enemy had come to realize that i had awakened " While i was talking to Echo, Doc had pulled out a few things from his Bag getting my attention i turned to him and slowly sat up letting him examine me i looked to my brother before him again.Doc: how is this possible, ur heart was not beating for 30 minutes ...   Sora: WHAT IT ONLY FELT LIKE A 3 MINUTES!?   Doc: calm down dear " I sat in silence for another few minutes before i relaxed and let him continue with his examination, i turned to the mask and saw his face full of anger .mask: i knew there was something about u ... ur Goddess arent u     Sora: demi-god i think but yeah i really don't know or care ." That was the last i heard from him for the rest of the time we were in the room.

We finally left the room with me by the Doctors side stretching and the mask to the Docs left, Echo on my shoulder. I hummed softly and soon the Doc was humming with me, an old himm, Londer bridge is falling down. We continued walking until i felt someone grab me by my neck and slamming me into the wall, i looked up seeing the old man ... he was the last thing i saw before i was dropped into his Pocket Dimension while hearing 049 yelling for me before them running away.

The Plague Doctor And The Egyptian Kitten     ( SCP 049 x reader/ oc)Where stories live. Discover now