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Scp 049 Pov 

Sora has been asleep for now nearly 48 hours, im starting to worry normally my patients would be awake by now and healthy. It must be because of how much blood she lost, i stayed awake watching her breathing pattern, i can't stay here waiting maybe I'll leave a note to tell her to wait for me here until i returned. I am quite curious to see if the mask has gotten out of its containment, I got up and wrote a quick note, placing it by her side i left my cell and walked to the passageway before i came to the elevator and pressed the button  once it opened i walked in and pressed the button to go down , with the mask been Keter class im sure he's still down there most probably waiting for me to find him.

Once the door closed and the elevator started moving downwards i began to think of how we were gonna get out of here, for someone reason i wanted to leave this place to protect Sora from the all the Doctors. The door slowly opened and i walked threw slowly walking down the corridors whistling an old hum of mine when i heard the door to my left opened revealing another patient in need of my cure. I turned to them and outstretched my arm only for them to back away. 049:" Do not run ...i am the cure "I watched as they backed into a corner and began praying to their gods, i touched their neck and watched as their eyes closed before their heart stopped i began curing them quickly.

Once i had stitched them up i injected the serum and watched as their body twitches before got up and started walking around aimlessly. I packed my tools up and moved on down the hall until i saw a group of guards heading my way with their guns up , i hummed softly before i dodged their bullets, i threw two syringes into one guard and watched him collapse dying quickly after, i spun and cut the other guards neck before i stabbed the guard in front of me. I carried on my way not feeling up to curing these humans.

I came to a three-way passing and i was still thinking of which door to go through when one of them suddenly opened and just the person....mask i was looking for walked in with his face showing he was bored though when he saw me his frown turned to a smile and he jogged over to me. scp 035: " just the doc i was looking for, i haven't seen u since our last breach      049: i have been busy, the patients i get are more troublesome by the day, each of them keeps running from me.     035: lucky i hardly got any host for months until this scientist ran into my cell and also i quickly took my chance, the only problem was the door shut afterward and i had to wait for some d-class to run in and i convinced the poor chap to let me out then i ended up running into some half robotic cat to kick me in the balls though seeing that pained face was worth it    049 : robotic cat ....do u perhaps mean Sora     035: never got her name, she was gone for i looked back up " We talked for a while afterward until i heard soft footsteps coming my way, i turned and looked seeing the cat coming towards me meow, most probably telling me Sora was awake .

I started walking back with 035 behind me complaining about the humans not been interested in his acting skills and how he was left alone for so long . Once we reach the elevator i pushed the button and waited and he asked a question that brought my interest back to him. 035: how do u know the metal catgirl?     049: "she was a patient and then i cured her but for some reason, she did not fully cure like the other instead she became the metal cat girl u saw, i can now call her ...a friend i suppose     035: ooo do u have a crush on her " I remained silent afterward and stepped into the elevator with 035 still going on about how i have a crush on Sora ....could he be right is this what this feeling is ...no no it is not possible .

The door opened once more and we walked out now silent and walked back to my room, upon entering i saw Sora reading one of my books on surgery and looking a lot healthier before i could stop 035, he went to grab the Sora only for her to dodge him....did she just teleport, it was much faster then the eye could see . 049: " how are feeling darling     Sora: a..alot better thank u again Doctor     035: wait u mean this, the sora u were telling me about?     Sora: yes that's me and ur the mask that stood on my leg and laughed at my pain " I watched as they argued for nearly 5 minutes before it became annoying to me. 049: "that is enough from both of u, no more arguing or else i will cut u tongues off ." They both stopped and stared at me before nodding, i turned and started sorting through my pockets for something.

Sora pov

I woke up on a silver table, the ones used for surgery. I looked down at my leg and saw it was bandaged properly, now knowing the doctor had once again helped me i looked around only to find him not here, i looked seeing a note telling me to stay here. I didn't want to anger him or make him worried so that's what i did but i got very bored very quickly. I saw a bookshelf bythe doctors bed and i grew curious i got off the table and went to the bookshelf and read over the covers of the many books, once caught my eye, it was the history of surgery.

Back when i was small i had always wanted to be a nurse or a Doctor  so i grabbed it gently and took a seat back on the table sitting the blanket over my self and opened the book and began to read, i hadn't even noticed but a few hours went by and i had half finished the book when the door opened and the Doc walked in with ...THE MASKED SCIENTIST FROM BEFORE !! I tried my best not to hiss at him when he came towards me, i teleported away from him before back, i went to hiss at him but then my attention was then shaken over towards the Doctor as he began to speak.049: " how are feeling darling Sora: a..alot better thank u again Doctor 035: wait u mean this, the sora u were telling me about? Sora: yes that's me and ur the mask that stood on my leg and laughed at my pain "We began arguing for a few minutes until the doc spoke again .049: "that is enough from both of u, no more arguing or else i will cut u tongues off ."

I was quiet afterward and just nodded before i went back to reading until i felt The masked man poke my side, i do nothing and so he continued until i had nearly had enough and was about to punch him when i felt something been placed on my lap ....it was a small bag of chips , my eyes lit up and opened them beginning to much on the small chips as my tails swayed in content until i felt my ears been pet , i began to purr as my eyes closed until i heard The masks laughter i hiss and turned around punching him hard enough he got stuck in the wall , i smirked before i went back to eating .


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