Meeting the Good Doctor Again...

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Sora pov

As I started eating my fish cakes, Doctor Alex came and sat in front of me chuckling but I could see the interest in her eyes. Doctors will be Doctors I guess, I began to go back into my thoughts, I hadn't even thought about it but what happened to the Scp who did this to me. I was a curious kitten and I wanted to know so I looked up to Alex it seems like I was so deep in thought that I didn't hear her talking to me. Sora:" Pardon What were u saying Doctor: I was saying that after the walk I would like to take u to go see Scp 049, the one who had cut u open when u were a D-class" Ahh so that was his number, I wonder if that's his name.

I quickly finished my Fish Cakes and I could see Alex taking notes, I rolled my eyes and got up leaving the plate there, I was just gonna leave Alex here to take notes until I remembered that I needed the tracer collar so that I don't cause a panic. I sigh and walk back to her grabbing the collar from her pocket and putting it on. The doctor seemed quite surprised before she smiled and got motioning me to follow her which I did, I was right on heel mostly because I didn't want to get lost and this time I kept my head out of my thoughts so that I could remember every direction we went in case I had to get back to my room in hurry.

As we were passing the rooms Alex started explaining to me about what SCP is, I was quite confused about why she told me all of this but it was interesting I guess. We started heading towards an elevator to most probably go down to the next level, I stepped inside and looked around it was cramped but big enough to hold at least one SCP and a few guards may be a scientist or two. On our way down music started to play, the only thing is that was very creepy but Doctor Alex seemed to not take note of it she must be already used to it either that or she was in her thoughts. 

The elevator stopped and the door opened with a chime, I waited for Alex to walk threw before I went after her, looking around I came to realize it would be hard to remember which way is which due to everything been white and the same. We came to a stop as I saw an Scp walk by but only its body looked to be ...decomposing and it wore this weird mask on its face. I started to go back into my thoughts only be taken out when a laugh rang through my ears, it was so high pitch it hurt, I had to stop my self from hissing at the person irritated. When I looked up I saw shocked the Scp was standing right in front of me staring, the guards had their guns out ready to shoot if the Scp moved, I glared at him, yes him for some reason even though it has the body of a female it smelt very male, the black stuff running down its eyes and mouth glitter almost in the light.

Sora:" hello and what do u want Mask?     Scp: why hello beautiful, whats a classic kitty like u doing around a dump like this Sora: I could say the same to u and my name isn't Beautiful its Sora and u are?      Mask: I'm Scp 035 or known as the Possessive mask but u can call me Mask " was this guy for serious he was seriously flirting with me...and I liked it, it was actually someone to talk to who wasn't a Doctor or who tried to kill me, I stared at him before the guards shit him with a tranquillizer before they dragged the body back to what I would think would be his cell. 

I started walking again with Alex she seemed quite impressed that I didn't back down when The mask talked to me. We continued to show for about another hour before it was time to go see Scp 049. We started walking back to the elevator she had just finished showing me the Keter class level and we need to go one above this to the Euclid class level.

I stepped back into the creepy elevator and waited, Alex, hasn't talked to me since we ended the tour, I waited to the door to open and when it did I jumped out of it, I'm starting to hate elevators and I mean all of them. The guards that were by the door seemed to be quite surprised and alarmed until they saw my collar, Alex walked out the elevator and I followed.

We walked into 049s holding place and I waited until they gave me the go-ahead to go in, the guard by the door opened the door and let me before quickly closing it, I could see the Doc in the far corner on a bed reading what looked to be a surgery book from the old times, I coughed to get his attention and it seemed it worked but what I wasn't expected was for him to get up so quickly.   Doc:" greetings I don't sense the plague in u, are u a doctor maybe?     sora: far from it I'm Scp 6662221 or know as the Egyptian Kitten but u can call me sora it was my human name        Doctor: Sora ...sora ah yes u were my last patient if I remember correctly "I nodded I was quite confused as to why he would have to remember I mean it was only like 2 days ago he cut me open...

Sora:" yeah about that what to mean by Plague?    Doctor: The Pestilence my dear it is on everyone it is rare for me to come across someone who is free or immune to the great plague, it is my duty to rid this world of it and cure all who is sick        Sora: really now because I know from the books I read that curing someone is not killing them, cutting them open and then bringing them back to life as zombies " I tapped my foot impatiently before I sigh and closed my eyes only to jump a few minutes later when I felt a hand on my head as he was trying to feel my temperature, I moved his hand away glaring at him from under my mask ...oh wait I have a mask on that's why he can't seem to recognize me, I guess ill keep it on then wait I wonder if my look has changed I haven't been able to look in the mirror in like forever.

Sora:" I'm sorry for how I acted I guess I'm bet confused still on how I died and then came back to life as an Scp and half cat       Doctor: it is understandable would u like to talk about surgery "I nodded quickly and it seemed to make him smile even though I can't see it on his face but I can see it in his eyes. 

For many hours we sat and talked we even argued over a few things it was ...nice to talk to someone who actually understands me and how I feel though I do pity him, he has to stay locked up in this cell forever while I'm allowed moving around any time I want, I looked to him smiling. Sora: hey Doc can we be friends  " it almost looked like his mind was blown with my question, I chuckled and looked at him only to see him nod.Sora: good because I would hate if we couldn't be     Doctor: when will u come to visit me again       Sora: soon I promise maybe tomorrow if I don't have testing to be done "I giggled before I got up and headed to the door waving to him, he's quite a nice guy really but I can't believe that I have forgiven him so quickly but I guess it can't be helped. I heard the door lock after me as Alex was waiting for me with what seemed to be you must tell me everything smiles on her face.

I walked with her telling her everything in detail and she seemed to be having a meltdown in her mind, we continued talking about what happened in Scp 049 cell for another few minutes until we came to my room, waved tiredly to her and walked inside, I was exhausted as all hell and all I wanted was sleep and sleep is what I got as soon as my head hit the pillow ...


Bye-bye Thanks for reading 

The Plague Doctor And The Egyptian Kitten     ( SCP 049 x reader/ oc)Where stories live. Discover now