There are more SCPs!!

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Sora pov

I woke up from my dreams to the sound of the door once again been banged on, I sigh and get up before I quickly get changed into my orange prison clothes, I look around wondering what time it is, I knew it was early in the morning maybe 5 or 6 am, I don't know I have lost track of time already and without a clock or a watch I couldn't tell, I could only guess, hell it might still be the same day. 

Once the door open I look to the guard seeing it was a different guard, I walk forward and wait to be told what I'm doing today. Guard: "Come along ur going to fix the wall in Scp-682 cell. " I nod and follows him with a guard behind me this time we went into the elevator and went two floors down, my mother told me once that the lowest level is where they held the most dangerous of SCP the Keter class.

I kept walking, deep in thought only to bump into the guard making him grunt before glare at me for not looking where I was going. I look up at the cell before to my left seeing another two D-class personnel each carrying the tools needed to fix the large crack in the wall, grab the quick cement mix and wait for the door to be opened. Guard: "you only have 1 hour so be quick otherwise you will be lizard food.

After he said that the door opened and we were quickly pushed in there in front of us lay a sleeping lizard which what looked to be 50 darts in his side, we quickly moved to where the crack was and started working on fixing the wall, I turn to the other two D-class and frowned slightly, they were both terrified. Sora: "hey guys calm down we will fix this wall before the hour is up don't worry, I'm Sora or D-6662221 and u two are? " The guy turned to me and smiled slightly nervous as he worked on making the cement, Chad: "names chad or D-57463, that over there is my big bro Alfred, he's shy though so I do the talking for him normally " I wave to Alfred smiling warmly before I go back to work.

We continued to work until it was all covered and the crack was gone, I smiled at the boys until I heard it, the sounds of the giant lizard waking up, I slowly turn around to see it glaring at us, I glance to the boys to see them frozen in fear, I quickly push them out the way just before a claw comes over us, the big shit tried to kill us. Sora: RUN GET TO THE DOOR !!! We all a mad a run for it, we moved quickly and in different directs to confused the lizard and hope and pray it wasn't one of us that gets eaten, I look back only to see Chad Get eaten by the damn lizard, I keep running even as the blood splashes on Alred and me.

The door opens just as we get there and we slide threw as the door was quickly slammed shut before the beast could try and escape or come after us, I shiver when I hear it roar in anger at not being able to kill Alfred and me, I sit against the wall breathing heavily and shaking in fear, I'm sure I looked like a leaf from how bad I'm shaking. I hear the guards laughing before I get grabbed my arm and lifted up and onto my feet before we started walking heading to the showers since we were covered in blood.

The guard was kind enough to not watch me as I showered I watch the blood drip down from my hair as I shiver slightly before I quickly wash off the soap in my hair, I turn the shower off and quickly got dressed before knocking on the door as a sign to say I was done. The door was opened and I walked out following the guard back to the cell. On my way back I was deep in thought once again until I felt something tackle me to the ground, I scream feeling something biting my arm I look up at it seem a man with shark-like teeth and bright red eyes, I passed out after that as I could hear gunshots after that.

Time skip Brought to u by Flying Pigs shitting Rainbows

When I woke again I was laying in my cell but I had a bandage around my arm, I slowly peel it off seeing the stitches there were about 50 of them. I sigh before bandaging up my arm again I'm lucky someone actually took the time to help me, I sit on my bed and I start to wonder " will I ever get out of here", "will I die here like how Chad did", " what will kill me ".  I look down, I didn't want to die in this hell hole but I knew I couldn't escape and if I did where would I go, no one would take in a child that's in a prisoner suit! I lay back feeling a headache coming on, I rub my head before I hear the door open again, I look to the guard and sighs getting up. guard:" come on inmate lets go u have one last Scp to go-to for today, I pity u with this one." After he said that I got a terrible feeling but I still followed him and this time I didn't fall into daydreaming or deep thoughts.

When we finally came to a stop outside this Scp cell, my terrible feeling was worse it felt like I was sick and dizzy at the same time, I looked at the sign it said "Object#: Scp 049     class: Euclid "I turn to the other two D-classes only to find there wasn't any, it was only me this time, when the door opened I was quickly pushed it before I heard the door shut and lock, I looked up and gasp, IT WAS THE SCP I SAW THE OTHER DAY !!! But what was he doing, it looked like he was doing surgery, I slowly stood up and stared at what was on the table was a dead human, I thought I was actually gonna be sick now.

I turned away and that was my first mistake, I had accidentally knocked over a tin can making the doctor look up from the body to me and when I turned back I nearly had a heart attack he was staring at me with his golden eyes...


to be continued haha
( input evil laughing)

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