Connecting with the Kitten within!

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When I woke I saw two D-class people staring at me, I got off the bed only to see them move back I pouted slightly before I saw there was a bowl of fish and some milk on the table, I walked over to it and began to eat ignoring the d-classes until I felt one of them grab my tail, was gonna hiss at them until I felt them begin to pet my head, I blush softly before I began to purr it was a nice feeling.

When I felt them stop I saw the guard had called them to leave I sighed as I didn't want petting to end, I quickly finished my fish and milk before I heard the intercom come on as someone spoke through it. Doctor: Scp 6662221 u will be allowed to walk around the facility after we are done testing "Sora: alright I understand I'm also guessing ill have a tracer collar on "Doctor: yes u will. " I nodded after that and decided I would get changed quickly, I went to the bathroom and quickly took a shower before I got changed. When I heard a knock at the door I went to it and knocked back letting them know they could come in.

When the door was unlocked I walked out quickly and followed them to a spare room I'm guessing will be used to test my abilities, I wasn't too excited about learning them since I would have to then learn to control them so that I wouldn't be moved to a more dangerous level. Once inside I sat on a chair before I saw a d-class come in with a metal bat, my eyes widened, I quickly went into defence mode and got on my feet and hands as they turned to cat paws, I dodged the guy trying to hit. I knew that if I let it hit me it would hurt very badly, I growled before the lights started to flicker until they burst and the d-class was left in the dark I could see perfectly, I quickly bit his hand to make him let go of the bat before I threw it away and when the lights came back on the shadows quickly made a half cacoon over him and made sure he couldn't move or attack me.

I made the shadows let him go when the intercom came back on with a different Doctor talking.Doc: D-76257 please head towards the door " I watched as the d-class walked back to the door, he knew I was doing it out of protecting myself so he didn't look too scared or shaken up maybe a bit confused and in pain from my bite. Next three tables were rolled in, one held puzzles, another held wood-rock, and metal and then a medical table full or medical tools, A doctor stood next to them and looked to me smiling. Doctor: Hello My names Doctor Sarah, we just have a few more tests and then u can go exploring, first I would like to see how smart u are "I walked over to the table and saw it was a 3000 piece puzzle I frowned slightly before I emptied it onto the table and began looking over the puzzle after a few seconds I had them placed into two piles the outside and then the middle, I quickly started working on putting the puzzle together and 3 minutes I was done, I looked up to her seeing her shock before her quickly started writing somethings done before she handed me math questions I sigh, mostly because I was always terrible at maths. I grab a spare piece of paper and starts working out the sums and after 5 minutes I had finished the 100 sums.

I moved onto the next table and looked at the doctor wondering what ill be doing here. Doctor: here we want to see what ur claws can cut through so please go ahead and cut them if u can" I looked at her before I nod and flex my fingers slightly as my claws come out and I sliced threw all three in a few seconds before I retracted my claws and looked to the doctor see them in even more shock, I chuckle.Sora: if u keep ur mouth open like that u will catch flies    Doc: I'm sorry I'm just in shock but anyway lets us go to the next table this is our last experiment for today "I walked over to the table I look at the tools carefully before a see a wounded kitten get pulled in I blink and tries not to hiss as I watch them not so gently place it on the table.Doctor: we want to see if u have any Medical skills    Sora : d,..did u harm the kitten Doctor: no it just so happened we got it from the pound it was like this we were got it here " * I turn to the kitten before my eyes glow slightly as information starts appearing in my mind before I grab some gloves and puts them on as I gently put the kitten to sleep before I begin to work as if I had studied it my whole life, I used to knowledge to help me as I started operating on the kitten and after an hour, I sew up the cut and looked to the heart monitor seeing the kitten was stable. I smile before I felt like I was hit was a ton of blocks I fell back and hit the ground hard before I fainted after hearing the doctor calling for help.

Time skip brought to u by cuteness

When I woke up I felt I was on something soft so I opened my eyes to see I was in my room with the kitten beside me wrapped in a small blanket, I smiled and tried to move only find I could not it felt like my whole body was numb, I started to breathe heavily until I saw the door open as Doctor Sarah walked in and turned to me smiling softly. Doctor: u passed out from exhaustion, it would seem that your mind is able to adapt to things and create knowledge to help in situations but the downside is it takes a lot of energy to use that ability, ur claws are so sharp u cut the metal like it was nothing but a twig and ur intelligence as we had thought is far beyond that of humans but anyway how are u feeling ...oh yes u cant move ur body since we had to inject u with muscle relaxer it should wear off soon ' I slowly nod feeling my body start to work again I sigh.

Doctor: after ur fulled up how about I show u around the facility as I promised " I nod before I slowly get up and starts rubbing my legs.Sora: How long have I been out also can we get something to eat I'm starved     Doctor: about 4 hours and sure we will go to the cafeteria first then "I was finally able to walk properly so I got up and headed to the doctor who started walking and showing me around, a few guards past us and gave me a dark look I move closer to Doctor Sarah until I smelt fish and omg it smelt very good, I ran quickly seeing they were serving fish cakes, I walked to the line and grabbed a plate full of the fish cakes.


Sorry to be continued I have school now

The Plague Doctor And The Egyptian Kitten     ( SCP 049 x reader/ oc)Where stories live. Discover now