Eight: Hotels

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Isa wanted a change, so she did something she had never done in her years of owning Sweetie's Bookstore.

She took a break.

Calling Ryan, the two worked together until they had set up everything that would need to be taken care of in her absence. Isa was one hundred percent sure Ryan could handle the store on his own.

"Where are you going, Miss Ford? If you don't mind me asking?"

To self-destruct, She muttered to herself before answering her waiting employee, "I just need a break Ryan, you know? I haven't had one, and I think a good week and a half away would be great for me. I need some time to myself."

She wasn't lying. Isa did need to be alone, and desperately so.

Two weeks after the incident with Adrian, and she still thought about him all of the time, she still wanted him, she could vividly remember what it felt like it have him between her legs, or kissing up and down her body. She remembered the feel of his body under her own lips as if they were there minutes before instead of weeks.

He haunted her dreams, whether they were having sex, or he was telling her how worthless she was, she thought about him every night, it never failed.

So, Isa packed up her things after informing her family that she would be away for a while, and she left, into the next city over where no one would know who she was. She got a nice hotel room, and bought a few bottles of wine before she checked in, then proceeded up to her room, where she sat on the bed, contemplating what she was going to do with a completely blank schedule for over seven days.

There was a small part of Isa that wanted to find a man, sleep with him just to prove to both herself and Adrian that she was a good partner, but her virtue was getting in the way, along with fear.

What if she really was a bad partner?

Then Adrian would be right, and that was the last thing that Isaline Ford wanted, though she was confused as to why she was proving herself to a man who wasn't even there.

Pouring herself a glass of wine, Isa lay back onto the couch in her luxury hotel room, in only a spaghetti strapped shirt and panties, staring off into space in content.

As usual, her mind floated back to the angry vampire she had kicked out weeks ago and heard nothing from, and she scowled, downing the glass in a few swallows before pouring another, "I hope he finds a girl to sleep with, and takes a disease away from her," She muttered darkly, before sighing, closing her eyes, and shaking her head, "No I don't." She whispered, running her fingers along the arm of the couch, "I just want him. Damn it."

She hated how conflicted she was. Things would be so much easier for Isa if she just felt one negative emotion towards Adrian. She just wanted to be angry, not hurt, not confused, nor missing him, just angry.

If only things were that simple.

By her fourth glass, Isa was just past tipsy, and she stood up, stumbling to pull on a pair of shorts as she made her way out of her room, still shoeless. She didn't care.

"Time to self-destruct," She muttered as she made her way down to the bar, throwing herself into a barstool lacking the grace of a lady.

"What would you like, ma'am?" The bartender asked. He was the complete opposite of Adrian with short, straight hair that lay across his forehead, bright green eyes, and a perfect smile.

Isa wasn't attracted to him at all.

"Just a..glass of wine," Isa sighed, grinning back at him, "What's your name?"

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