Step 1

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He's back and my feelings are confused, I am a mess as if I wasn't already. Next week, I leave knowing Jungkook is going to be there, and Jooeun, but she is his daughter too, he should get to know her. It still hurts me to think about all her firsts that Jungkook missed, the day she came into this crucial world, it just hurts to think the father of your child left you when you needed him the most.

I get out of my thoughts when I hear a loud sigh "Ugh, Y/N you have been staring out that window for the past 10 minutes with tears rolling down your cheeks." Mark says. "When did you get here?" "When you were too busy daydreaming" "sorry..." he just chuckled and patted my head "well, now that Jungkook is here you won't need me anymore," he says


"well, now that Jungkook is here you won't need me anymore," I say painfully. I was about to head out when she grabbed my hand. I felt my stomach churn at her touch, she looked up, all teary eyes, "Don't ever say that, no matter what happens, where I am, I will always need you," she tried to smile, but I can see right through it. 


I ruined it........again! Ughh my stupid temper, just because of it I ruined it all! "UNCLEEEE MINHYUK WON'T GIVE ME THE CONTROLLER" Taeyang (Taehyung's son) complains "I WILL, I JUST HAVE TO DO THIS LAST MISSION ON FORTNITE!" Minhyuk yelled back (Taehyung's oldest son) Taeyang is now 7 and Minhyuk is 9. I am very close to Taehyung's children, well all of them, but his children more. "Guys, Don't yell, Minhyuk give him a turn too," I say and go to Jin hyung.

  Hyung is sitting there reading a book to Hayoon (Jin's daughter) and Daeun (Jimin's daughter) Hayoon is also 9 years old like Minhyuk and Daeun is 7 years old. These 2 little girls are best friends and love to go against the boys, lol. "Hyunggg, I ruined it againnn" I whine to him.


AISHHH! Everyone from Jungkook to the little kids are all........well childish and immature. I need Namjoon here! "I guess you lost your temper again?" I ask him, he just nods in response. I take the girls off my lap so they can go play with their legos.

"Jungkook, look, Y/N is a very good girl. She went through a lot, I think you need to give her time. I mean the person she loved-" "Correction she still loves" he interrupts " "Yeah, she loves, just left her, when she was pregnant, he wasn't there when she had her child, when she rose to fame, or all the other special moments. Now you just show up and have a fight, Jungkook, give her time and space, be sweet, show her how loyal you can be." I pause and take a deep breath 

"She has to go on her world tour and she will drop Jooeun off here, for the girls to take care of her. I think you can start off by getting to know your daughter more, that should be the first step for you to not only get to know your daughter but also your first step to winning Y/N's heart again"

I look at him and he looks Jungshook, he suddenly tackles me into a hug "Thx, Hyung! You're a genius!" "DOn't forget worldwide Handsome guy" "yeah, that too" Suddenly Namjoon comes in "Wassup Worldwide Cutie guy?" Awww Joonie~~


Namjoon hyung comes in, I guess that's my cue to leave. Well, I got my first step down

       Step 1: Win your daughter's heart/ get 2 know her more! 

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