Thank You

7.8K 210 96

Thank you all so much for reading this story, wow I can't believe the responses I've been getting. Just to let you know that this is the end of this FOR NOW. I might write an epilogue or possibly a sequel where you can't find out what happened to Matt and how things are going with Nash! *wink wink*

Thank you all for 220k reads, holy fuck I love you guys!

I am currently working on a 5SOS fanfic because those little dorks are my babies, so let me know if anyone here is in the 5SOSFam! And if you are who's your fave? <3 I'm an Ash girl with a bit of Luke on the side..

Also, I have like 6 possible plots for my 5SOS fanfic so if anyone would like to help me choose I'd love you 5ever <3

Well come talk to me whenever! You'll find me lurking the interent always.

Talk to you nuggets soon,

Anna xox

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2014 ⏰

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