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How was she supposed to know that Connor would go that far as to print her picture on the newspapers and declare her missing. Kendra didn't even know that's what's up until she had gone out with Lisa and saw a lady staring at her. The lady moved forward to her partner and whispered something to her. Kendra was confused at first then she thought that was probably one of the haters who loved to spoil her image in public, painting her with the wrong brush.

But it wasn't until they had gone to eat out, the next day, that she saw a man with a newspaper and just at the front page, there she was! Her picture was clear as daylight and as soon as the man looked at her, he quickly snapped his head to the picture on the front page and his eyes widened with shock. He looked like he had won a bag of gold.

As soon as she realized what was happening, she had immediately left with Lisa on her heels. And her parents had been calling her non stop. Which is why she now found herself, sitting in front of them now while her parents stared at her like she was on her sick bed. If only they had seen her when she was admitted.
But thankfully, her wounds were fully healed now and she was getting her skin tone back again.

"I can't believe this!"
Janet snapped. Kendra knew she would react this way when she told them her story. Her father just sat there watching his daughter like she just fell from the moon.

"How could a human being be so wicked?! And to think that he has been blinding us with gifts. Unnecessary gifts! And all along he had been skinning our daughter alive."
Janet said.

"How could you keep this away from us, Kendra?"
It was her father who spoke. "He has been hitting you for years and you couldn't say anything? What if he had killed you? What would he have said was the reason your enemy died? How would we know he was hitting you all along?"
He turned to his wife. "See it? I knew it was wrong to let her marry and I washed my hands off it! See the outcome. Let her get married, she's old enough, she loves him and he clearly loves her. Clearly. Now, look!" He turned to Kendra. "One month! Just one month and you already want to get married. Who does that? Even in my time, it wasn't that fast to talk of this present generation! Go to the storage room and see how packed up it is. What an insult this beast has brought into my home! Beating my daughter and sending us gifts. Laughing at us for being played the fool?! What insolence!"
Her father ranted and ranted.

Kendra kept her cool. It was her fault. She knew all along that he would never take it lightly.

"And he printed papers to find you? When he came here, he said you had ran out of the house after accusing him of being unfaithful to your marriage. Because you thought he was sleeping with another woman."

That sounded like a bomb had been dropped on Kendra's head. She stared at her parents in disbelief.
"What? No! I didn't say that! I never said that! He is just too insecure, mummy. I have never seen any man as insecure as that bastard..."

"Oh, shut up!"
Her father cut in. "You see how you have gone? You wouldn't listen. You never listen."

Kendra fell silent. She looked down at her fingers.

"It is your cross."
Her father said.

"It is not her cross oo!"
Janet cur in. "What kind of stupid cross is that. Did she kill anybody? Even Jesus Christ asked to die on his own free will. Nobody has done that ever since. Why will she Be the one to carry a cross?! Mba! No! She made a mistake. Ekwerem ekwe. Yes. But she can't go back there."
Her mother said.

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