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I will like to Thank gazelleec for your tip and votes, and your constant comments. I will love to Thank you, princessmsae and Mercyjim for comments.
Thanks to MargieGatundu for your votes too! You all lift my spirits!

The light was so bright, it was almost blinding, when she opened her eyes. Kendra blinked twice, then looked around at first.

Is this heaven? I'm I in heaven?

The thought came to her mind again and again. But then she knew that being in heaven meant that one never felt pain. Then why was she still feeling the piercing pain all over her body?


The word reminded her of what happened last night. When she saw the image of a lady at one corner of the room she sighed in disappointment.
I'm in the hospital.

Why was it raking God too long to answer her prayer? Why won't he just take her now?

Kendra could remember what happened last. How Connor had beaten her so much she had almost died. How he had called her back when she tried to escape. She still heard his voice even now.

No. He wasn't calling her to come back, he was ordering her to come back! But someone stopped and pulled over. She didn't know who.

Oh God. Please, not Connor. Not him!

She prayed and this time, hoped that God would answer her prayer. Kendra tried to turn around but then the pain came again, earning a groan from her.

The lady at the corner seemed to have noticed that she was awake and turned around with a smile.

Lisa. If Lisa was here, then why?

"Oh, you're awake. Thank God."
She said.

Kendra looked at her for a while and tried turning again but it was difficult. The bed was comfortable enough but her arms and back gave her great discomfort.

"How long have I been here?"
She asked.

"Just last night. You were almost dead. How are you feeling now?"

"Like a truck had run me over."

Lisa chuckled.
"You look like a truck had run you over."
She said.
"I'll get the doctor or the nurse and let them know you're awake."

"Who brought me here?"

"Alex did. According to him, you almost died."

Kendra gave a sigh of relief. Thank God it wasn't Connor. She had been in this situation before. And Connor had beaten her almost to death and he was the one who rushed her to the hospital.

But in this case, it was different. She watched Lisa walk out of the room. And then closed her eyes.

Few minutes later, the door opened and why she had expected Alex to come in, was beyond her. But the doctor stepped in, with Alex behind her. She gave him a weak smile but his gaze was blank and his expression serious.
He didn't smile or give her one of those humorous comments.

Her smile faltered.

"Hello, Mrs. Peterson. How are you feeling today?"
The doctor whom was tall and almost Alex's height, said to her with a bright smile.

Alex on the other hand, leaned against the wall, with his arms folded against his chest.

"Very sore but okay."
She replied and smiled.

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