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"Why didn't you tell me about this, Kendra? And to think that I didn't even know about it."
Aliyah said to her four days later when she came to visit.
She was throwing tantrums when Kendra had told her about the case of being admitted in the hospital, and as soon as possible, she visited.

Kendra lowered her gaze.

"Look at you. You look like a cable car accident!"
Aliyah said.

"I'm sorry, Liya. I just couldn't."
Kendra said in almost a whisper.

Aliyah sighed. "I am your friend, Kay. We could have worked something out. I can't believe that bastard would raise his hands on you like this. And to think that you've been going through it for three years! It is just too much! You could have died, I hope you know that?"

Kendra nodded. "But I didn't."

"You didn't because Alex happened to be there. No... He was actually passing by and what if he hadn't seen you? Or worst, what if he hadn't passed by at all?"
Aliyah scolded. She was good at ranting whenever she was worried and scared.

Kendra saw some truth in what her friend was saying. And the  thought gave her shivers.

What if Alex hadn't been there at all?

The thought of not seeing Alex there at that time. She would have died there and no one would know how she had died or what caused her death. No one would know Connor had been hitting her. No one would know he had beaten her almost to the point of death.

Alex had been nice to her and she was beginning to wonder what she would do now.

She didn't want to go back to her parents place. She wanted Connor as far away from her as possible.

For now at least.

And he had been calling her persistently as if he still expected her to still be alive after the way he had beaten her.

"The nerve of that man!" Aliyah said, cutting into her thoughts. "I can't believe this. God knows that I would definitely poison him if I were the one who married him. He's a demented beast!"

Kendra smiled again. "I know you would."

They were so different. Aliyah would definitely give him poison. Because she's the crazy one who can't stand maltreatment.

And Kendra was back to wondering why the crazy one find the best husbands. And then people like her only end up with the worst!

"Have you told your parents? "
Aliyah asked.

Kendra looked sharply at her.
"No! I don't want them to know about this."

"Kendra, you have to stop this. You shouldn't keep silent like this. They're your parents and they deserve to know what that beast is doing to their daughter. And look where your silence has led you. You are still too young to be traumatized about marriage."
Aliyah said.

"I will tell them but not yet. I need to find a place to stay because I can't stay with them. I have to be far away from Connor."

"Why don't you come over to the house? You can stay with us."

Kendra thought over it but shook her head. As tempting as that was, she still couldn't.
"It's too easy. He could find me there in no time. Besides, I don't want to be a burden to you and Ben...."

"Who says?". Aliyah cut in.

" With your honeymoon things?"
Kendra said, smiling.

Aliyah chuckled. "You still have a way of being funny in this state? You're impossible."

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