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          The door swung open, sending a ray of light into the dark bedroom. The figure standing at entrance, paused for a brief second and then walked in. Her cellphone buzzed for the tenth time and she ignored it. Footsteps, then the light was switched on, revealing Connor standing by the light switch, looking around the room like he was trying to be sure he walked into the right bedroom before settling his gaze on her. She remained unmoved even when he flung himself on the bed beside her and placed a light kiss on her cheek. Kendra still stared into space. Connor sighed. “Why is everywhere so dark? What happened to staff, everywhere is so quiet.” He bent to kick off his shoes.

She shrugged. “I sent them all away.” Connor paused and turned swiftly to look at her. “What?”

This time, she looked at him. “I thought that, since you are so good at making decisions on your own, I could as well make mine.”

Connor stared at her for a brief second, then scoffed. “Why would you think that I make decisions on my own?”

“I don’t know, Connor, why don’t you tell me? I mean, you have been making a lot of them and even though they have all destroyed me, you seem to be less concerned.”

“Why are you . . . Is this about that brat I flushed out of your womb two days ago? Because I’m sure that’s the reason you have been acting like a living corpse for almost a week.”

She stared at him. “My child. You call my child a brat. The only time I could feel like a mother, you denied me that and you have the guts to call my baby a brat!” She pushed off the bed, revealing the kitchen knife she had under the duvet. Connor’s eyes registered on the shiny weapon she swung around in her hand. “Connor, you will not make heaven!” She snapped and jumped off the bed. Connor reared, carefully studying her countenance.

“Drop the knife, Kendra. Let’s not do something we both will regret.”

She laughed. “We both? What have you regretted, Connor? Because I am very sure, that I am the one who has been regretting a lot of things, since I married you!”

“Okay, Kendra. Drop the knife. Let’s talk about whatever is the problem, just drop the knife.”

“You are the problem!” She snapped, poking the knife at him as he reared again to elude the sharp edge of the knife. “Connor, why won’t you let me go. Connor, I am tired. I don’t want to get married to you, anymore.”

“Don’t say that to me, Kendra.”


“Because, you are my wife! And my wife will remain by my side forever, till death do us part! And if you think that I will let you go, so you can crawl back into that bastard’s bed, then you have a lot of obstacles coming your way.”

“Connor, I have tried for you. I have taken all your beatings like a slave. I have taken all the emotional trauma coming from you. I have been the one who had to stay away from the people I love, because of you. I have been the barren woman, when the man I married can’t even father a child. I have been the submissive woman when all along, you have been bipolar!”

The shock was evident on his face, then clouded by anger. Kendra watched his eyes go blood shut with rage as he frowned at her. “You went through my things?”

“Oh, Connor. You don’t even know the things I saw in those documents.”

“How dare you?”

How dare you, Connor. How dare you put me through all of that, and accuse me for falling in love with a man who treats me right and with so much respect?”

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